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Swift SFTP Client Framework

The mft is a framework that makes it easy to access SFTP services from Swift as well as Objective-C. It uses modern backend - libssh and OpenSSL - with all the security related features and algorithmes (like aes-gcm or chacha20-poly) and can be embedded in macOS (both x86 and arm64) and iOS/iPadOS apps.


The mft framework has the following capabilities.


  • Using the following ciphers: chacha20-poly, aes-gcm, aes-ctr, aes-cbc, 3des-cbc
  • Using the following MAC hashing: hmac-sha2-etm, hmac-sha1-etm, hmac-sha2, hmac-sha1
  • Using zlib compression
  • Support for password authentication
  • Support for public-key authentication
  • Simple support for interactive authentication (with only a password prompt)
  • Support for ed25519, ecdsa, rsa-sha2, ssh-rsa and ssh-dss public key algorithms
  • Support for SFTP servers with non-UTF-8 charset

Supported SFTP Operations

  • Browsing directories
  • Recognizing directories, files, and symbolic links
  • Creating directories
  • Creating symbolic links
  • Removing directories
  • Removing files
  • Removing symbolic links
  • Downloading files
  • Downloading files from the given position (resume download)
  • Uploading files
  • Uploading files with append to existing (resume upload)
  • Reporting progress of downloading/uploading
  • Copying items within the same SFTP server
  • Moving items within the same SFTP server
  • Renaming items
  • Setting modification and access timestamps for items
  • Setting POSIX permissions for items
  • Retrieving file system stats (total size and utilization)

Supported environments

  • macOS x86_64,
  • macOS arm64,
  • iOS arm64,
  • iOS Simulator arm64,
  • iOS Simulator x86_64

Supported programming languages

  • Swift
  • Objective-C

Bundled components

The mft framework bundles the compiled versions of the following open source libraries:

  • libssh 0.11.0
  • openssl 3.3.1

Building mft framework

The mft should be built into an xcframework, that can easily be embedded in Xcode projects. To do that:

  1. Make sure you have Xcode installed and your Apple Developer account configured in Xcode preferences
  2. Clone the mft source code from git
git clone
  1. Open the mft project in Xcode, go to settings of the "mft" target, and verify that there are no errors on "Signing & Capabilities". If they are, check the configuration of your developer account. Repeat the check for the "mft ios" target

  2. Close Xcode and open Terminal, go to mft folder, and call:


This starts a build process. The result will be located in a new folder created at the same level as mft folder, with the name "mft CURRENT_DATE_AND_TIME" (for example mft 2022-09-21 11-50-57). In that folder, you can find mft.xcframework folder, that is the outcome of the build.

Using mft framework

  1. Create a new Xcode project, for example, macOS command line tool in Swift (it can also be Objective-C or iOS/iPadOS)

  2. In your new project go to its target configuration, and on the "General" tab click the "+" icon under "Framework and Libraries". Then select "Add Other...", "Add File..." and then select mft.xcframework folder created during a build

  3. Now you can write your code. Use "import mft" to enable the framework access in your source file. Here you have a simple example of how mft can be used in Swift

import Foundation
import mft

do {
    var sftp: MFTSftpConnection!
    sftp = MFTSftpConnection(hostname: "",
                                 port: 22,
                                 username: "your_user_name",
                                 password: "your_secret_password)
    // Connect and authenticate
    try sftp.connect()
    try sftp.authenticate()
    // List remote directory items
    let items = try sftp.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: "/tmp", maxItems: 0)
    for item in items {
        NSLog("%@", item.filename)
    // Upload a file
    let localFileToUpload = "/bin/cat"
    let uploadRemotePath = "upload_test"
    let inStream = InputStream(fileAtPath: localFileToUpload)
    let srcAttrs = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: localFileToUpload) as NSDictionary
    try sftp.write(stream: inStream!, toFileAtPath: uploadRemotePath, append: false) { uploaded in
        NSLog("Upload progress: %d / %d", uploaded, srcAttrs.fileSize())
        return true
    // Download a file
    let remoteFileToDownload = "upload_test"
    let localDownloadTarget = "/tmp/download_test"
    let outStream = OutputStream(toFileAtPath: localDownloadTarget, append: false)
    try sftp.contents(atPath: remoteFileToDownload, toStream: outStream!, fromPosition: 0) {
        downloaded, total in
        NSLog("Download progress: %d / %d", downloaded, total)
        return true
    // Remove remote file
    try sftp.removeFile(atPath: uploadRemotePath);
    // Disconnect
} catch {