Social Media Embed for Solana NFTs with Ownership Display & Liquidating an NFT to Any Token.
There is a growing demand for easy ways to showcase Solana NFTs on social media platforms, along with information about the current owner's Twitter handle. Existing solutions do not provide a simple URL that generates a summary card with a large image and ownership information, making it difficult for users to share and display their NFTs on social media.
NFTFlex is a user-friendly platform that enables users to display their Solana NFTs on social media with the following features:
Social Media Embed: Automatically generates a summary card with a large image and the owner's Twitter handle using a simple URL like
. -
Cardinal Twitter Integration: Displays the correct Twitter handle of the NFT owner, making it easy for users to show off their NFTs and build their online presence.
NFT Showcasing: Empowers NFT owners to showcase their assets on social media platforms with full ownership details, enhancing NFT adoption.
- ReactJS: Frontend library for building interactive user interfaces.
- Cardinal: Integration for Twitter handle display linked with Solana wallets.
- Node.js: Backend runtime environment for server-side JavaScript.
- Express.js: Web framework for building RESTful APIs.
- Solana Web3.js: JavaScript library to interact with the Solana blockchain.
- IPFS: Decentralized storage for NFT metadata like images and descriptions.
- Solana: Blockchain to support NFT transactions and ownership data.
- client: Contains the frontend codebase.
- server: Contains the backend code and API integrations.
- 🎨 Any improvements to the design and UI are welcome.
- 🔨 Try to break the website by testing it to find any bugs. If you find any, check if there is an issue already open for it, if there is none, then report it.
1. Fork the NFTFlex repo by clicking on the fork button on the top of the page. This will create a copy of this repository in your account.
2. Clone the forked repository
git clone "<your-github-username>/NFTFlex"
- Download and install Node JS v16.16.0
- Download and install Git.
- Go to the terminal of your code editor and run "npm install" to download packages.
- Run "npm run dev" to start a local server.
3. Make necessary changes and commit those changes.
Remember never push anything to the Main branch.
Always change your branch to "develop" using:
git checkout develop
Again check your current branch using:
git branch
It should point *develop
Now add your changes using:
git add files-you-edited
If there are multiple files you can use:
git add .
Now create a commit message using:
git commit -m "<commit-message-goes-here>"
4. Push changes to GitHub
git push origin develop
5. Create a Pull Request 👋
Now you go to your repository on GitHub, you’ll see a Compare & pull request
button. Click on that button and now write a summary of what changes you have done. (Attach images if required). I will review your code and merge it if it passes all the tests.❤️