-(For jic students only) Finding a company on the Cooperative Training list that pop out can be challenging for not be apple to search so I decided to give you a simple java script code that you can paste it on the conosle that will save you the time for scrolling
-First you need to download companies.txt to search in it by company name (some companies name are in arabic), you will find the number beside it name
-Choose the company number then go to (((student reports page)))التقارير and paste the following code in the browser conosle (f12)--->CONSOLE type allow pasting in the conosle if you can not paste
-then type your choosen number(There is an example video if you did not understand)
var dropdown = document.querySelector('#myForm\\:authorityTrain');
// Ask for the dropdown value from the user
var dropdownValue = prompt("Please enter the dropdown value:");
// Set the dropdown value to the user input
dropdown.value = dropdownValue;
var changeEvent = new Event('change', { bubbles: true });
setTimeout(function() {
var links = document.querySelectorAll('a');
setTimeout(function() {
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button');
var button = buttons[2];
}, 100);
}, 100);