This is the reverse-engineered and commented source code for all known versions of Gridrunner by Jeff Minter. It is part of the llamasource project.
I wrote up my first attempt at reverse-engineering the C64 version of the game here
If you want to read more about the Gridrunner internals, take a look at Gridrunner; The Little Black Book where I try to unpack the workings and design of the various versions of Gridrunner Minter wrote.
- Play in your Browser
- Building the C64 Source Code
- Building the Vic20 Source Code
- Building the Atari-8 bit Source Code
- Building the Atari ST Source Code
- Conversion to the Nintendo Entertainment System
C64: (Ctrl key is 'Fire', Arrow Keys to move.)
Vic20: (Ctrl key is 'Fire', Arrow Keys to move.)
Atari800: (Alt key is 'Fire', Arrow Keys to move.)
Atari ST: (Mouse to fire and move.)
On Ubuntu you can install VICE as follows:
sudo apt install vice
To compile and run:
$ make
To just compile the game and get a binary (gridrunner.prg
) do:
$ make gridrunner.prg
To compile and run:
$ make runvic
To just compile the game and get a binary (gridrunner-vic20.prg
) do:
$ make gridrunner-vic20.prg
- Atari800 Emulator - An Atari 400/8000 emulator
- 64tass - An assembler for 6502 source code.
To compile and run:
$ make runatari
To just compile the game and get a binary (gridrunner.xex
) do:
$ make gridrunner.xex
This unfinished and unpublished gem was written as a challenge by Minter to see what he could fit into 3.5k on the Atari ST. It's a basic gameplay demo with no sound or levels, but is very enjoyable and addictive to play.
"There was one more version of Gridrunner on the Atari ST which I shall mention for completeness - in truth I haven't seen it for years and I'm not sure if it's in the archive anywhere. I can't remember why I was asked - for a coverdisk or for a demo I guess - but I was asked to do a game in 4K. Since the dear old unexpanded Vic had been 3.5K I thought it would be natural to choose Gridrunner as the subject of the demo and so I made a little version that fit in 4K on the ST. It was super primitive but it was just about fully functional."
On Ubuntu you can install Hatari as follows:
sudo apt install hatari
You will need to download the source of vasm and compile it as follows:
make CPU=m68k SYNTAX=mot
To compile and run:
$ make runatarist
To just compile the game and get a binary (gridrunner-st.prg
) do:
$ make gridrunner-st.prg

I converted Gridrunner to the NES. You can try it out here.