Releases: mylinuxforwork/dotfiles
Releases · mylinuxforwork/dotfiles
- ML4W Hyprland Settings App converted to Flatpak
- Add uwsm for Arch Linux distributions
- Now with nwg-displays support (
- Tiled Windows can be swapped now with SUPER+ALT+Arrowkey
- Added floating class for Ghostty ml4w.dotfiles.floating (--class=ml4w.dotfiles.floating)
- Add power profiles daemon module to waybar
- Bug fixes
- Opacity for the light version of the dock optimized
- All ML4W Apps (except Hyprland Settings for now) are now flatpak apps.
- New ML4W Sidebar App gives quick access to selected configurations. It replaces the ags sidebar.
- All apps are supporting now light and dark theme. Change the color theme in nwg-look for GTK and/or QT6.
- SwayNC added as new notification center with additional features.
- Installation of kitty, nvim, .bashrc and .zshrc configurations require user confirmation for overwriting.
- Walcord support in script
- New default wallpaper
- New default waybar theme ML4W Modern
- Improved sidebar layout including power functions
- Kitty now with JetBrainsMono font
- Workspaces Variations added to ML4W Settings App
- Disabled wallpaper cache by default due to stability reasons. Can be enabled in the settings app again
- Performance improvements in wallpaper script
- New default wallpaper
- Add new oh-my-posh prompt to bash
- Wallpaper issues fixed
Arch: Installer asked to rebuild waypaper to be compatible with Python 3.13
You can also run yay -S --answerclean All --noconfirm --rebuildall waypaper python-screeninfo python-imageio - All settings moved from waybar into sidebar due to stability reasons
- New horizontal wlogout layout
- Hibernate option removed. Requires individual system setup
- Timezone for waybar clock can be set individually in the ML4W Settings App
- Installation of nwg-hyprland-dock via installation options
- nwg-hyprland-dock can be toggled in settings app
- New Waybar Theme ml4w-modern (+ versions)
- New Rofi Layout for App Launcher
- New Terminal prompt theme
- Fedora support added. Please see the installation instruction on
- One command installation added for Fedora and Arch based distributions
- New default wallpaper added
- Add geenral ags v2 support to sidebar and calendar widget. More feature to come.
- Compatible with Hyprland 0.45.0. Replaced legacy variables for drop shadows with new ones in hypr/conf/decorations Please refer to
- Zen Browser added to Installation Options browsers
- Suggested additional default apps added to section others in Installation Options script