Table of Contents
DryRun is a web application created using Dash, Flask, and mySQL database. It is provides accurate rainfall predictions at any location in Singapore up to 30 minutes in advance for outdoor runners with fixed running routines. The application is able to store the running routines and give suggestions on whether to continue the run based on the predicted amount of rainfall and the corresponding wetness level of the ground.
Hope you will enjoy our app and have a Dry Run!
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- Docker
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install the required modules
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Navigate to the following directory
cd frontend
- Deploy to a Docker container
docker compose up -d
Click me for a detailed guide with images
Sign up
If you are a new user, click the sign up button and create your username and password.
Log in
If log in is successful, you can click the "Click me to go!" button to proceed to the gallery page.
When first logged in, the dropdown would have no routines to choose from. You may click `add new routine` button to proceed.
Add routine
To add a routine, you need to input the required information as shown above. The location input is linked with Google Maps API so you may search with both postal code and name of address.
Back to gallery
Now, select the routine you wish to predict for and then click the "go to current prediction page" button.
- Now comes the most important results page. You may need to wait for up to 20 seconds to fetch the results, and the browser tab would display "Updating.." until the result is retrieved successfully.
- As the prediction is accurate to every ooint, you may click select "start point" or "end point" to view the predictions for each point. The plots in the sidebar are showing the precipitation and wetness level across the next 30 minutes window, with weather icons updating accordingly. The overall suggestion for this route is also given.
- There are 2 tabs in the map, the first one displaying the route of choice, while the second one is a dynamic rainfall map. You may click the start button at the bottom to view the animation.
With that, we hope that you will enjoy our application! We are also happy to hear any feedback so feel free to reach out to us if you have any!
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