ADLC is deployed as a FastAPI service on port 8087
via Docker Compose. The fastapi-adlc
provides a single POST
endpoint process_img
that takes a single image and returns detections and properties.
IN BASE DIRECTORY OF REPOSITORY launch with Docker Compose
sudo docker compose build
sudo docker compose up
from PIL import Image
import requests
import json
im =
files = {'file': (filename, open(filename, 'rb'), "image/jpeg")}
res ="http://api:8087/process_img/", files=files)
print(json.dumps(res.json(), indent=2))
As of right now object detection is disabled pending re-training on new targets.
Geolocation needs to be calibrated and debugged
Although OCR is attempted, the images are usually too blurry
Similarly, shape detection usually will just guess circles since contours are too hard to see.
For now, I have done data annotation using OpenCVs GUI tool opencv_annotation
, which uses a XYWH bounding-box format. There are annotations in data/annotation_238.txt
To include the corresponding images, you will need to download them from the Kraken computer and place them in data/flight_238/*.jpg
. They are located in /RAID/Flights/Flight_238/*.jpg
All of the following is included in the Dockerfiles, but if you want to set up locally:
sudo apt install pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
OpenCV binaries must be set up in addition to the Python wrapper libraries
export OPENCV_VERSION=4.5.4
sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv
Tesseraact is the OCR library used by the tesserocr
wrapper. It is relatively large and can be tempermental.
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev pkg-config
curl -o ~/.local/share/tessdata/eng.traineddata
NCSU provides VLCs with RTX 2080 GPUs that can be used for training the CNN quickly. CUDA is already installed on these systems but you will need to install CuDNN as well:
sudo apt install libcudnn8 libcudnn8-dev libcudnn8-samples
To check that CuDNN was set up correctly, run built-in test suite:
cp -r /usr/src/cudnn_samples_v8/ $HOME
cd $HOME/cudnn_samples_v8/mnistCUDNN
sudo apt install libfreeimage3 libfreeimage-dev
make clean && make
See cuDNN install guide for more info.