This repository contains the pytorch implementation of DAGMRNet, a comprehensive model to reconstruct multi coil cardiac MRI in k-space from CMRxRecon 2024 dataset.
This model utilizes a " Dynamic Attentive Graph Learning " model as a denoising network for reconstructing cardiac MRI based on " Self Similarity " Image prior. The Architecture of our proposed model is shown below:
Check the of model Directory for more details.
Required libraries and dependencies are listed as a code block inside the requirements.txt file. run the code below and install them:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This model is trained on Training Set of Multi Coil Cine accelerated cardiac MRI's of CMRxRecon Dataset and evaluated on its Validation Set datas, which are intended for CMR reconstruction evaluation. Check the Link and request for the dataset.
Model | PSNR/SSIM | Number of Fully Sampled Signals | Acceleration Factor | Number of Variables | Number of Cascades |
PromptMR | 38.28 / 0.9560 | 16 | 4x, 8x, 10× | 90 M | 12 |
Proposed Model | 37.10 / 0.9510 | 16 | 4x, 8x, 10× | 16.1 M | 4 |
Current weights of model are accessible in Best Weights Directory Directory of this repository. Set the variable
args.mode == "test"
and enjoy reconstruction of your CMR images!