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Zhuoyang-Pan committed Jan 16, 2024
0 parents commit 5fe2f90
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Showing 54 changed files with 6,352 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .buildinfo
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# Sphinx build info version 1
# This file hashes the configuration used when building these files. When it is not found, a full rebuild will be done.
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Binary file added .doctrees/apis/proj.doctree
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Binary file added .doctrees/conventions/cuda_conventions.doctree
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Binary file added .doctrees/index.doctree
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions CNAME
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Binary file added _images/square.gif
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Binary file added _images/training.gif
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42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions _sources/apis/proj.rst.txt
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.. currentmodule:: gsplat

Given 3D gaussians parametrized by means :math:`μ`, covariances :math:`Σ`, colors :math:`c`, and opacities :math:`o`, the
:func:`gsplat.project_gaussians` function computes the projected 2D gaussians in the camera frame with means :math:`μ'`, covariances :math:`Σ'`, and depths :math:`z`
as well as their maximum radii in screen space and conic parameters.

Note, covariances are reparametrized by the eigen decomposition:

.. math::
Σ = RSS^{T}R^{T}
Where rotation matrices :math:`R` are obtained from four dimensional quaternions.

The projection of 3D Gaussians is approximated with the Jacobian of the perspective projection equation
as shown in :cite:p:`zwicker2002ewa`:

.. math::
J = \begin{bmatrix}
f_{x}/t_{z} & 0 & -f_{x} t_{x}/t_{z}^{2} \\
0 & f_{y}/t_{z} & -f_{y} t_{y}/t_{z}^{2} \\
0 & 0 & 0
Where :math:`t` is the center of a gaussian in camera frame :math:`t = Wμ+p`. The projected 2D covarience is then given by:

.. math::
Σ' = J W Σ W^{⊤} J^{⊤}
.. bibliography::
:style: unsrt
:filter: docname in docnames

.. autofunction:: project_gaussians
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions _sources/apis/rast.rst.txt
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.. currentmodule:: gsplat

Given 2D gaussians that are parametrized by their means :math:`μ'` and covariances :math:`Σ'` as well as their radii and conic parameters,
the :func:`gsplat.rasterize_gaussians` function first sorts each gaussian such that all gaussians within the bounds of a tile are grouped and sorted by increasing depth :math:`z`,
and then renders each pixel within a tile with alpha-compositing.

The discrete rendering equation is given by:

.. math::

.. math::
T_{n} = \prod_{t=m}^{M}(1-α_{m})

.. math::
α_{n} = o_{n} \exp(-σ_{n})
σ_{n} = \frac{1}{2} ∆^{⊤}_{n} Σ'^{−1} ∆_{n}
:math:`σ ∈ R^{2}` is the Mahalanobis distance (here referred to as sigma) which measures how many standard deviations away the center of a gaussian and the rendered pixel center is which is denoted by delta :math:`∆.`

The python bindings support conventional 3-channel RGB rasterization as well as N-dimensional rasterization with :func:`gsplat.rasterize_gaussians`.

.. autofunction:: rasterize_gaussians
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions _sources/apis/utils.rst.txt
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In addition to the main projection and rasterization functions, a few CUDA kernel and helper functions are exposed to python with the following bindings:

.. currentmodule:: gsplat

.. autofunction:: bin_and_sort_gaussians

.. autofunction:: compute_cov2d_bounds

.. autofunction:: get_tile_bin_edges

.. autofunction:: spherical_harmonics

.. autofunction:: map_gaussian_to_intersects

.. autofunction:: compute_cumulative_intersects
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions _sources/conventions/cuda_conventions.rst.txt
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CUDA Conventions

.. currentmodule:: diff_rast

Here we explain some conventions used for the implementation of the CUDA backend.

Kernel Launch Conventions

The backend CUDA code consists of several kernel functions that run in parallel for either arbitrary number of gaussians or for arbitrary image dimensions.
Here we explain some of the conventions used for launching these kernel functions using the ``<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>`` notation.

1D Grids

Kernel functions that depend on the number of input gaussians are organized into one dimensional CUDA grids consisting of

.. code-block::
const int gridDim = (num_gaussian_operations + NUM_THREADS - 1) / NUM_THREADS;
1-D blocks containing ``const int blockDim = NUM_THREADS;`` threads each. An example of a kernel function that depends on the number of gaussians (here denoted by the ``num_gaussian_operations`` variable)
is the main `project_gaussians` kernel that projects an arbitrary number of 3D gaussians into 2D.

2D Grids

Kernel functions that depend on the rendered output image size are organized into two dimensional CUDA grids. The shape of the grid is determined by

.. code-block::
const dim3 gridDim = {(img_width + NUM_THREADS_X - 1) / NUM_THREADS_X, (img_height + NUM_THREADS_Y - 1) / NUM_THREADS_Y, 1};
where each individual block within the grid contains a layout of threads defined by ``const dim3 blockDim = {NUM_THREADS_X, NUM_THREADS_Y, 1};``.
An example of a kernel function that requires two dimensional grids is the main :func:`gsplat.rasterize_gaussians` kernel that renders an arbitrary number of pixels in an output image.

Config Constants

We fix the total number of threads within a block to 256. This means that for 1D blocks the block dimension is given by ``const int blockDim = 256;`` and for 2D blocks ``const dim3 blockDim = {16, 16, 1};``.
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions _sources/conventions/data_conventions.rst.txt
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Data Conventions

.. currentmodule:: gsplat

Here we explain the various data conventions used in our repo.

Rotation Convention
We represent rotations with four dimensional vectors :math:`q = (w,x,y,z)` such that the 3x3 :math:`SO(3)` rotation matrix is defined by:

.. math::
R = \begin{bmatrix}
1 - 2 \left( y^2 + z^2 \right) & 2 \left( x y - w z \right) & 2 \left( x z + w y \right) \\
2 \left( x y + w z \right) & 1 - 2 \left( x^2 + z^2 \right) & 2 \left( y z - w x \right) \\
2 \left( x z - w y \right) & 2 \left( y z + w x \right) & 1 - 2 \left( x^2 + y^2 \right) \\
View Matrix and Projection Matrix
We refer to the `view matrix` :math:`W` as the world to camera frame transformation (referred to as `w2c` in some sources) that maps
3D world points :math:`(x,y,z)_{world}` to 3D camera points :math:`(x,y,z)_{cam}` where :math:`z_{cam}` is the relative depth to the camera center.

The `projection matrix` refers to the full projective transformation that maps 3D points in the world frame to the 2D points in the image/pixel frame.
This transformation is the concatenation of the perspective projection matrix :math:`K` (obtained from camera intrinsics) and the view matrix :math:`W`.
We adopt the `OpenGL <>`_ perspective projection convention. The projection matrix :math:`P` is given by:

.. math::
P = K W
.. math::
K = \begin{bmatrix}
\frac{2n}{r - l} & 0.0 & \frac{r + l}{r - l} & 0.0 \\
0.0 & \frac{2n}{t - b} & \frac{t + b}{t - b} & 0.0 \\
0.0 & 0.0 & \frac{f + n}{f - n} & -\frac{f \cdot n}{f - n} \\
0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0 & 0.0 \\
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions _sources/examples/simple_trainer.rst.txt
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Simple Trainer

.. currentmodule:: gsplat

Training on an image
The `examples/` script allows you to test the basic forward projection and rasterization of random gaussians
and their differentiability on a single training image. This allows you to overfit gaussians on a single view.

Simply run the script with:

.. code-block:: bash
python examples/ --height 256 --width 256 --num_points 2000 --save_imgs
to get a result similar to the one below:

.. image:: ../imgs/square.gif
:alt: Gaussians overfit on a single image
:width: 256

You can also provide a path to your own custom image file using the ``--img_path`` flag:

.. code-block:: bash
python examples/ --img_path PATH_TO_IMG --save_imgs
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions _sources/index.rst.txt
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.. image:: imgs/training.gif
:width: 800
:alt: Example training image


*gsplat* is an open-source library for CUDA accelerated rasterization of gaussians with python bindings. It is inspired by the SIGGRAPH paper "3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Rendering of Radiance Fields" :cite:p:`kerbl3Dgaussians`.
This libary contains the neccessary components for efficient 3D to 2D projection, sorting, and alpha compositing of gaussians and their associated backward passes for inverse rendering.


This repository was born from the curiosity of people on the Nerfstudio team trying to understand a new rendering technique. We welcome contributions of any kind and are open to feedback, bug-reports, and improvements to help expand the capabilities of this software.


.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Examples


.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Conventions


.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Python API


.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Tests


.. bibliography::
:style: unsrt
:filter: docname in docnames
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions _sources/tests/tests.rst.txt
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Testing and verifying CUDA implementations

The `tests/` folder provides automatic test scripts that are ran to verify that the CUDA implementations agree with native PyTorch ones.
They are also ran with any pull-requests into main branch on our github repository.

The tests include:

.. code-block:: bash
:caption: tests/

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