NewDocs makes it easy to create & edit a Project or Documentation website with Hugo, and deploy with GitHub or Netlify.
The first stable release will be v0.60.0
Before that use carefully since:
Things may break between different versions
Demo site may change between different versions
Documentation may not be fully covered
To learn more about Plans & Roadmap to this project, see Issue #29: What is NewDocs Hugo theme?. Discussions are welcome under that issue.
Option 1: Using Hugo Natively
See Install Hugo Section from Hugo Official Docs.
Option 2: Using Hugo with NPM or Yarn
NPM: npm install hugo-bin hugo-bin-extended --save-dev
Yarn: yarn add hugo-bin hugo-bin-extended --dev
There are many ways to use this Theme, choose which one fits your project:
Option 1: The Traditional Hugo Way
git submodule add themes/newdocs
Option 2: Use from This Repo
Other open-source projects used in this Theme:
FlexSearch.js by Nextapps GmbH
Normalize.css by Nicolas Gallagher
Poppins Fonts by Indian Type Foundry