NEW: 02.04.2022 Added workflows + support for MacOS.
# or on js ensureInstalled('git')
nexssp-ensure git # will install git on any os you are. If it is installed it will return the path.
It's more then @nexssp/os function as it has translator
. What it means? that for example on Gentoo to install git you need to put emerge dev-vcs/git
(not git). We cover that in the @nexssp/extend. We will be building the database of what and which distro what kind of changes has. For example:
Below is just: All Gentoos use 'dev-vcs/git'.
const os = require('@nexssp/os/legacy')
// first tag means all versions. We specified 1, because it does matter for the first tag
const GentooFirst = os.getTags(os.distros.GENTOO, 1).first()
module.exports = {
[GentooFirst]: 'dev-vcs/git', // All gentoos will have this other systems has git
const result = ensureInstalled("git") => it will automatically install git on your machine
Function just make sure your program is installed (Linux, WSL, Windows) and macOS soon..
This package is used in many packages. For example in the @nexssp/languages where you can install over 50 programming languages. Try
npx @nexssp/languages r install
ornpx @nexssp/languages php install
ensureInstalled(command/package, installCommand, options)
- returns path of the command/program, false if does not exist.
const { ensureInstalled } = require('@nexssp/ensure')
const path = ensureInstalled('jq', 'apt install jq', {
progress: cliArgs.progress,
// You can also pass 2 parameters and install command will be generated based on @nexssp/os and translators.
const path2 = ensureInstalled('lua', {
progress: cliArgs.progress,
// Windows Subsystem for Linux
const path3 = ensureInstalled('wsl jq', 'wsl -u root apt install jq')
nexssp-ensure jq --install="apt install jq"
# Windows Subsystem for Linux
nexssp-ensure "wsl jq" --install="wsl -u root apt install jq"
When ensure installing the packages it is looking at the translator files. Here are the examples:
const os = require('@nexssp/os/legacy')
// first tag means all versions. We specified 1, because it does matter for the first tag which is Windows
const Windows = os.getTags(os.distros.WINDOWS, 1).first() // first is always Windows. You could use also "win32", "linux", "darwin" .. all from, but also distros based on @nexssp/os tags
module.exports = {
[Windows]: {
install: `powershell -command "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser" ; powershell -command "iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')"`,
const os = require('@nexssp/os/legacy')
const GentooFirst = os.getTags(os.distros.GENTOO, 1).first()
module.exports = {
[GentooFirst]: 'dev-vcs/git', // All gentoos will have this other systems has git, other systems will have standard.