Helpers to create a rendering loop with pull streams
npm install @nichoth/pull-stream-loop
import { render } from 'preact'
import { html } from 'htm/preact'
import { useState, useEffect } from 'preact/hooks'
var S = require('pull-stream/pull')
S.values = require('pull-stream/sources/values')
var scan = require('pull-scan')
S.drain = require('pull-stream/sinks/drain')
var setup = require('@nichoth/pull-stream-loop')
var init = { n: 0 }
var { source, emit } = setup()
// can add new source streams like this
// a stream of click events
source.add(S.values([ ['click', 'ok'] ]))
function MyApp (props) {
var [state, setState] = useState(init)
// subscribe to pull-stream here
useEffect(() => {
scan(function (acc, [type, data]) {
// re-render only happens if the return value is not
// shallow-equal, so need to return a new object
console.log('scan -- ', type, data)
if (type === 'click') return { n: acc.n + 1 }
if (type === 'reset') return { n: 0 }
}, state),
S.drain(function (state) {
return html`<div>
wooooooo n: ${state.n}
<br />
<${Clicker} ...${props} emit=${emit} />
<${Reset} ...${props} emit=${emit} />
function Clicker (props) {
var { emit } = props
return html`<button onclick=${emit('click')}>click</button>`
function Reset ({ emit }) {
return html`<button onclick=${emit('reset')}>reset</button>`
render(html`<${MyApp} />`, document.getElementById('content'))