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Crawl URLs, find matches with regex and save results


  • Can start URL crawling from Google Custom Search results using a file with keywords or by using a file with a list of URLs
  • Can define regex to skip URLs hosts, paths or queries formats
  • Can define regex to match content
  • Can define DOM elements for which the regex will be applied
  • Outputs to CSV file or SQLite database with caching and deduplication of matches (format in key/value where key is the match, and value is the URL matched)
  • Can use cache to prevent revisiting URLs that had already been crawled in a different run


git clone && cd regexrover

cp .env.default .env

go run .

Running modes

  1. Google Custom Search - will search for keywords from a file and crawl the URLs from the search results
  2. List of URLs - will crawl a list of URLs from a file

1. Google Custom Search

  • Create a Programable Search Engine
  • Copy the Search Engine Code / ID to GOOGLE_SEARCH_ID in .env file
  • Get an API key from Google Search JSON API
  • Put this key in GOOGLE_SEARCH_API_KEY in .env file
  • Create a file with keywords (can be multiple words per line) and put the file name in KEYWORDS_FILE in .env file
  • go run

Note: All search results from google will be saved to a file named with <keywords>_search_links.txt. This file can be used later in the mode below.

2. List of URLs (default mode)

  • Create a file with a list of URLs (1 URL per line) and put the file name in CRAWL_URLS_FILE in .env file
  • go run

Note: Both modes will output a CSV file or a SQLite database named found_matches_<run_date_time>.csv|sqlite

.env config

  1. (optional) GOOGLE_SEARCH_ID ID of the Google Programable Engine
  2. (optional) GOOGLE_SEARCH_API_KEY API Key for the Google Custom Search v1
  3. (optional) KEYWORDS_FILE the file that has your keywords to search on each line will do a Google search. Can be multiple words separated by space per line
  4. MATCH_OUTPUT_CHUNKS Optimize file writing and deduplicate matches. After how many matches the results are saved to CVS file. Default: 5
  5. CRAWL_CACHE_DIR Directory to store the cache for the crawler. Crawler won't visit cached pages on another run. If empty it won't keep a cache
  6. CRAWL_DEPTH How many levels deep the crawler should go from the page URL obtained from Google or the file with links. Use 0 for infinite recursion. Default: 1
  7. CRAWL_THREADS How many threads the crawler should use. Default: 20
  8. CRAWL_IGNORE_DOMAINS A list separated by , of domains to ignore in crawling
  9. CRAWL_ALLOWED_URLS_REGEX URLs matching this regex will be crawled, can be used to select certain tld or ignore paths with query strings
  10. CRAWL_USER_AGENT Browser User Agent to use
  11. CRAWL_TAG Regex matching will be performed in all DOM elements with this tag. For example body will have the regex applied to all body content.
  12. CRAWL_MATCH_REGEX The regex to match content. Text matching this regex will be saved in the output file along with the URL
  13. CRAWL_URLS_FILE The file with the list of URLs to start crawling. If this is defined Google Search mode will be ignored
  14. OUTPUT_DRIVER Use csv or sqlite output. Default: csv
  15. CRAWL_LOG 0 means disable logging and only show stats, 1 means showing URLs visited and matches. Default: 0

CRAWL_TAG options

The CRAWL_TAG can be specified using the goquery selectors.


Crawl URLs, find matches with regex and save results







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