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codf is a personal config language for declaring structured data with support for a somewhat-wide range of built-in types.

The root codf package only covers lexing, parsing, and the AST right now.


Alternatively: Why yet another config library?

Codf exists primarily to make expressive, structured configuration easy to use. Expressive in this case means, more or less, relatively complex but easy to read and write. There are cases of progams like this in the wild, such as nginx, where configuration is integral to making use of them. Codf takes inspiration from nginx in particular, along with other curly-braced config languages. The goal is to provide structure for programs where the status quo of JSON-equivalent languages do not.

With that in mind, codf is the result of several years of building programs that require configuration to define their runtime behavior. This includes several programs whose configuration borders on scripting. These programs need configuration not only for inputs (sockets, files, DBs) and outputs (metrics, logs, more DBs), but also tasks, schedules, data pipelines, state transitions, and so on. Without these, the programs are mostly inert and do nothing — this makes configuration crucial to their operation. Thus far, all of these programs have used some JSON-like language, be it JSON itself, HCL, or YAML (with TOML showing up only in other programs I use).

While all of these provide some structure, they’re ultimately poor expressions of complex program configuration. They require a lot of work-arounds to play nice with Go: often an AST is unavailable (I’ve only seen this exposed in HCL), so all pre-processing, such as including documents or expanding variables, requires you to decode to a map to manipulate the document before consuming it; the structure of the config becomes tangled up in not violating a language spec (especially where keys are unique); and error messages are often cryptic and useless to users. All of this can be made to work, but it looks lazy and feels like a kludge.

If you look outside of the common languages, you see configuration like nginx, apt.conf, gnatsd (a mishmash of YAML/JSON/HCL; notable more for being specific to gnatsd), Caddyfiles, and others (Lisps and Erlang terms deserve honorable mention since a program’s language can work as configuration as well). So, it’s clear that there’s a way to express more than just key = value for configuration, but if there are any libraries for this, I haven’t yet found them.

So, I wrote codf. Codf allows me to write config files with directives and structure that expresses more than just key-value pairs. In fact, it can parse a wide range of nginx configs with some adjustments for comments and quoting style. Using it to handle program configuration is fairly easy by walking the AST, and enough metadata is available through it that it’s possible to provide users with helpful error feedback. Overall, it leads to much cleaner configuration with less reliance on reflection, fewer unmarshaling workarounds, and better help for users. This in turn makes me happier, because I can write programs that function the way I really want them to.


A codf document is a UTF-8 text document containing statements and sections. Sections, in turn, contain further statements and sections. Documents may also contain comments, but are not part of a document's structure or AST.


A statement is a name followed by optional values and terminated by a semicolon (;):

enable-gophers yes;
enable-gophers yes with-butter;
; // This line doesn't have a statement -- a semicolon on its own is
  // an empty statement and does nothing.


A section is a name followed by optional values and braces, enclosing further sections or statements:

outer-section {
    inner-section /some/path {
        // ...

    enable-gophers yes;


Both sections and statements may have an optional set of values following their name, as above. These are called parameters for lack of a better term.

Parameters must be one of the types described below.


A comment begins with two forward slashes (//) and extends to the nearest line ending (a linefeed / "\n" / 0x0A byte):

// This is a comment
//This is also a comment
this// is not a comment;

Comments are not included in the parsed AST and may not be used to influence configuration.


Supported value types are integers, floats, rationals, durations, strings, booleans, regular expressions, arrays, and maps.


Integers can be written in base 10, 16, 8, and 2, as well as arbitrary bases in the range of 2-36:

base-10 12345;
base-16 0x70f; // 1807
base-8  0712;  // 458
base-2  0b101; // 5
base-3  3#210; // 21
base-36 36#zz; // 1295

Integers are arbitarily long and represented as a *big.Int.

Floats / Decimals

Floats are written either as integers with exponents or decimal numbers (with optional exponent):

float-decimal   1.23456;    // positive
float-exponent  -123456e-5; // negative
float-big       1.23456789e200;

Floats are represented using a *big.Float. Precision can be adjusted by changing the Parser's Precision field -- if 0, it defaults to DefaultPrecision.


Rationals are expressed as numerator/denominator, similar to lisps. It is illegal to use a denominator of zero (0):

rational -5/40; // -1/8
rational 0/40;  // 0/1

Rationals are represented using a *big.Rat.


Durations are expressed as a sequence of integers or decimal numbers followed by an interval unit (ns, us, ms, s, m, or h). This is compatible with the Go stdlib's durations, but does not allow decimals beginning with a period as Go does (e.g., ".5s" -- this has to be written as "0.5s" in codf). As with Go, it's valid to use "µs" or "us" for microseconds.

durations 0s -1s 1h 500ms;  // 0s -1s 1h0m0s 500ms
decimals  0.5us 0.5s 0.5ms; // 500ns 500ms 500µs

Durations are represented using time.Duration.


Strings take three forms: double-quoted sequences of characters, raw strings, and barewords.

Double-quoted strings

Double-quoted strings are surrounded by double quotes ("...") and permit all Go string escape codes (such as \n or \Uhhhhhhhh). In addition, in contrast to Go, newlines in double-quoted strings are permitted without escaping them.

simple-string "foobar";
escapes       "foo\nbar"; // "foo\nbar"
newline       "foo
bar";                     // "foo\nbar"
Raw strings

Raw strings are surrounded by backquotes (or backticks -- the "`" character). Like Go raw string literals, raw strings can contain almost anything. Unlike Go raw string literals, a backquote can be escaped inside of a raw string by writing two of them: "``". For example:

empty           ``;           // ""
with-quotes     `"foobar"`;   // "\"foobar\""
with-backquotes ```foobar```; // "`foobar`"

Barewords are unquoted strings and usually more convenient than other strings.

A bareword is any text that begins with a Unicode graphical character minus syntactically-important characters: decimal numbers, quotes, semicolons, braces, pound, and plus/minus. The rest of a bareword may contain decimal numbers, pound, and plus/minus -- semicolons, braces, and quotes are still reserved.

leading-dot .dot;           // ".dot"
symbols     $^--;           // "$^--"
slashes     /foo/bar;       // "/foo/bar"
commas      Hello, World;   // "Hello," "World" -- two strings
unicode     こんにちは世界; // "こんにちは世界"

It is not possible to write a bareword that uses a boolean keyword except as a statement name (described below).

Barewords are represented as string.


Booleans can be represented using the following values:

True False
True False
true false
Yes No
yes no

All keywords can be written in lowercase, uppercase, or titlecase. For example:

t-values YES True true; // true true true
f-values FALSE No no;   // false false false

Other case combinations are not valid (i.e., booleans keywords case-sensitive).

Booleans can only occur in parameters to statements and sections. For example, the bareword "true" as a statement name is just the string "true". The bareword "true" in an array or as a map key or value is the boolean true (and not permitted in map keys).

Booleans are represented as bool.

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are written as #/regex/, where internal /s can be escaped using /. These are treated as re2 regular expressions and parsed using the stdlib regexp package.

empty-regex  #//;
simple-regex #/foo/;
slash-regex  #/foo\/bar/;

Regular expressions are represented as *regexp.Regexp.


Arrays are ordered lists of values between square brackets ([]). Values are delimited by whitespace or other sentinel tokens (such as brackets and comments):

empty-array [];
numbers     [1 2 3];
nested      [[1 2] [3 4]];

Any of the above value types can be held by an array.

An array in the AST is represented as an *Array, which contains a sequence of []ExprNode.


Maps are unordered sets of space-delimited key-value pairs between curly braces, prefixed by a pound (#{}). Key-value pairs in a map are written as KEY VALUE (minus quotes), where each KEY must be followed by a VALUE (separated by a space). For example:

empty-map #{};
normal-map #{
    // Key    Value
    foo      1234      // "foo" => 1234
    "bar"    #/baz/    // "bar"  => #/baz/

Map keys must be strings, either bare or quoted. If a key occurs more than once in a map, only the last value is kept.

Maps are represented as a *Map, which contains a map of strings to *MapEntry. Each *MapEntry contains the original key, value, and the order that it was parsed in -- as above, codf maps are unordered, so ordering is intended only to be kept for reformatting and other tools right now.


codf is licensed under the BSD two-clause license. The license can be read in the COPYING file.

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