This script was generated through iterations with Chat-GPT 4 (27/03/2024). I was curious to see what sort of results could be acheived without absolute light directions. There are a lot of caveats regarding absolute accuracy in play here, the surface must be lambertian.
The conda environment used sucessfully locally is at Python 3.10.14 with requirements found in the associated txt file.
Simple use:
python <path/to/image_folder> [path/to/mask_file.jpg/jpeg/png]
Currrently this struggles to process large, images natively taken on a DSLR. I used imagemagick to resize images to 25% and convert to grayscale.
magick convert <input> -set colorspace Gray -separate -average <output>
magick convert <input> -resize 25% <output>
I've tried this with the most rudimentary setup and achieved plausible results with the files supplied. The script outputs OpenGL (Blender compatible) and DirectX format normal maps into the folder from which it runs.