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no0p edited this page Oct 19, 2014 · 2 revisions

Adding custom plots involves writing an SQL query which will plotted with plotpg.

Adding a Plot

Navigate to the Admin -> Configure Plots link at the top of the web display of a running instance of pgantenna.

config menu

Click add new plot. And fill out the form.

add plot form

The form values will drive the plot display on the pgantenna dashboard.

Form Field Description
Title The string that will appear as the plot title.
Width The % of the screen that the plot will fill. This will be the width value on the SVG plot image generated. Good values are probably 25%, 33%, 50%, and 100% as rows with 4,3,2, or 1 plots.
Height The height in pixels of the SVG for the chart.
Plot Query This is query which generates the result set which will be passed to plotpg to be rendered as a chart.
Gnuplot Commands This string will be passed to the plot() function provided by plotpg as the second parameter. See [plotpg documentation]( for additional details.

Note that the order plots will be rendered on the dashboard is based on their position in the list.

Illustrative Examples

The best way to get a sense for adding plots is to take a look at the basic plots which ship with pgantenna: transactions per second, history of open connections, and server memory usage.

To look at configuration options, click "Edit" on the plot configuration page, and execute the queries in psql against a pgantenna database.

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