This repository is for deploying N|Solid with Kubernetes. It assumes that Kubernetes is already setup for your environment.
- Installing Kubernetes
- Upgrading
- Quickstart
- Deploy Sample App with N|Solid
- Production Install
- Debugging / Troubleshooting
- License & Copyright
- local with minikube - for local development / testing.
- kubernetes on GKE - Google Container Engine
- kubernetes on aws - Amazon Web Services
- kubernetes on GCE - Google Compute Engine
- kubernetes on ACS - Microsoft Azure Container Service
- kubernetes on Bluemix - IBM Cloud Container Service
Existing nsolid-kubernetes
installs can be upgraded running the following command:
kubectl apply -f conf/nsolid.quickstart.yml
If deployed to a cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP, Bluemix) please make sure to make the necessary adjustments to conf/
kubectl apply -f conf/
- Make sure your
is pointing to your active cluster. - If your cluster is a Bluemix Lite cluster, make this adjustment to conf/ before running ./install.
This command will install the N|Solid Console and a secure HTTPS proxy to the nsolid
It can take a little while for Kubernetes to download the N|Solid Docker images. You can verify that they are active by running:
kubectl --namespace=nsolid get pods
When all three pods (console and nginx-secure-proxy) have a status of 'Running', you may continue to access the N|Solid Console.
- Default username:
- Default password:
printf "\nhttps://$(minikube ip):$(kubectl get svc nginx-secure-proxy --namespace=nsolid --output='jsonpath={.spec.ports[1].nodePort}')\n"
kubectl get svc nginx-secure-proxy --namespace=nsolid
. If using Bluemix Lite cluster, get EXTERNAL-IP this way.
NOTE: You will need to ignore the security warning on the self signed certificate to proceed.
kubectl delete ns nsolid --cascade
cd sample-app
docker build -t sample-app:v1 .
kubectl create -f sample-app.service.yml
kubectl create -f sample-app.deployment.yml
NOTE: the container image in sample-app.deployment.yml
must be set to match your docker image name. E.g. if you are using minikube
and ran eval $(minikube docker-env)
, set the image to:
- name: sample-app
image: sample-app:v1
If you are working in a cloud environment, you will need to push the sample-app to a public Docker registry like Docker Hub,, the Azure Container Registry, or the IBM Bluemix Container Registry, and update the sample-app Deployment file.
NOTE: Assumes kubectl is configured and pointed at your Kubernetes cluster properly.
kubectl create -f conf/nsolid.namespace.yml
openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout conf/certs/nsolid-nginx.key -out conf/certs/nsolid-nginx.crt
rm ./conf/nginx/htpasswd
htpasswd -cb ./conf/nginx/htpasswd {username} {password}
kubectl create secret generic nginx-tls --from-file=conf/certs --namespace=nsolid
kubectl create configmap nginx-config --from-file=conf/nginx --namespace=nsolid
kubectl create -f conf/
Note: If your cluster is a Bluemix Lite cluster, make this adjustment to conf/ before running kubectl create
N|Solid components require persistent storage. Kubernetes does not (yet!) automatically handle provisioning of disks consistently across all cloud providers. As such, you will need to manually create the persistent volumes.
Make sure the zone matches the zone you brought up your cluster in!
gcloud compute disks create --size 10GB nsolid-console
We need to create our disks and then update the volumeIds in conf/
Make sure the zone matches the zone you brought up your cluster in!
aws ec2 create-volume --availability-zone eu-west-1a --size 10 --volume-type gp2
There's no need to explicitly create a persistent disk, since the Azure Container Service provides a default StorageClass
, which will dynamically create them as needed (e.g. when a Pod
includes a PersistentVolumeClaim
There's no need to explicitly create a persistent disk, since the Bluemix Container Service provides a default StorageClass
, which will dynamically create them as needed (e.g. when a Pod
includes a PersistentVolumeClaim
kubectl create -f conf/nsolid.persistent.gce.yml
kubectl create -f conf/
There's no need to explicitly create a PersistentVolume
object, since they will be dynamically provisioned by the default StorageClass
There's no need to explicitly create a PersistentVolume
object, since they will be dynamically provisioned by the default StorageClass
kubectl create -f conf/
Make sure your docker image is build on top of nodesource/nsolid:carbon-latest
FROM nodesource/nsolid:carbon-latest
When defining your application make sure the following ENV
are set.
value: sample-app
value: "console.nsolid:9001"
value: "console.nsolid:9002"
value: "console.nsolid:9003"
Optional flags:
value: "nsolid-carbon,staging"
A comma separate list of tags that can be used to filter processes in the N|Solid Console.
kubectl get svc {service-name}
will access the application.
. If using Bluemix Lite cluster, get EXTERNAL-IP this way.
Make sure you use the --namespace=nsolid
flag on all kubectl
kubectl config current-context // outputs current context
kubectl config set-context {$context} --namespace=nsolid // make 'nsolid' the default namespace
kubectl config set-context {$context} --namespace=default // revert to default
Verify CLI:
kubectl exec {pod-name} -- nsolid-cli --remote=http://console.nsolid:6753 ping
See N|Solid cli docs for more info.
Minikube is a bit different then a normal Kubernetes install. The DNS service isn't running so discovering is a bit more involved. IP addresses are not dynamically assigned, instead we must use the host ports the service is mapped to.
If your doing a lot of work with docker and minikube it is recommended that you run the following:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
Get the kubernetes cluster ip address:
minikube ip
To get the service port:
kubectl get svc {$service-name} --output='jsonpath={.spec.ports[0].nodePort}'
Note: If your service exposes multiple ports you may want to examine with --output='json'
If you get the following message when trying to run docker build
or communicating with the Kubernetes API.
Error response from daemon: client is newer than server (client API version: 1.24, server API version: 1.23)
to match the server API version.
nsolid-kubernetes is Copyright (c) 2018 NodeSource and licensed under the MIT license. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included file for more details.