This is a base project to help developers set up their development environment. It is fully possible to customize, adding or removing new containers to suit your needs.
When adding new DBMS containers, you can use its name as a prefix to the settings in the .env
file, for example: MYSQL_USER=root
If you need, you can use this in production, but is necessary special setup in: php.ini
, 000-default.conf
, Dockerfile's
and docker-compose
, check respective documentation for more information.
docker-compose up --build -d # build and run
docker-compose ps # Show current dir containers status
docker-compose down --remove # down
docker exec -it <conainer_id> /bin/bash # open container bash cli
Open in your browser.
File permission error when run, for example laravel atisan
create to anything inside container.
Outside container run bellow:
sudo chown -R $USER: .