This is the companion repository to PyHEP topical meeting - Dask. A short introductory talk is available here and a recording is available on youtube
We use the coffea package to quickly get HEP dependencies like xrootd, uproot, etc. Otherwise this is a standard scipy stack
conda create -n dask-hep-tutorial --yes -c conda-forge coffea dask distributed jupyterlab dask-labextension python-graphviz mimesis
conda activate dask-hep-tutorial
Now we can start the jupyter lab server:
jupyter lab
We start with an image built for coffea to get HEP dependencies like xrootd, uproot, etc. Otherwise this is a standard scipy stack
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -p 8787:8787 -v ${PWD}:/srv coffeateam/coffea-dask bash
We will add a few extras to help showcase more of dask:
cd srv
conda install --yes -c conda-forge python-graphviz mimesis
Now we can start the jupyter lab server:
jupyter lab --allow-root --ip