- [BREAKING] Tokens updated to use CSS custom properties (CSS variables)
- [BREAKING] Typography Tokens refactored (WIP)
- [BREAKING] Spacing Tokens refactored
- [BREAKING] Color Tokens refactored (WIP)
- [CHANGE] CSS themes are now included in addon instead of importing from the Pattern Lab site
- [ENHANCEMENT] Added White Label CSS theme
- [ENHANCEMENT] Alternate stylesheet support for development
- [ENHANCEMENT] Removed parent selectors (ampersands) from SASS
- [REMOVED] Removed ember-addon-docs site
- [ENHANCEMENT] Added Storybook
- [ENHANCEMENT] Added live swatches to storybook documentation for fonts and spacing
- [ENHANCEMENT] Installed storybook plugins (a11y, actions, knobs, links, viewport)
- [ENHANCEMENT] Set up a basic Github pages deploy for storybook in circle.yml
- [DOCS] Added a real README.md
- [DOCS] Decided on using Trello CSS Style Guide going forward
- [DOCS] Added documentation for Style Foundations
- [DOCS] Added documentation for Design Onboarding
- [DOCS] Added documentation for Development Guidelines
- [DOCS] Added design component documentation for cards, buttons, images, bylines, timestamps, footer, sidebar
- [DOCS] Added example "stories" for buttons