OTI (One Time Information) is a modern web application designed for secure, one-time information sharing. It ensures safe sharing of sensitive information using client-side encryption.
- 🔒 Client-Side Encryption: All encryption happens entirely in your browser - no passwords or unencrypted data are ever transmitted to the server
- ⏳ Self-Destruct: Shares automatically disappear after a specified time (5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, or 7 days)
- 🔑 Password Protection: Add an extra layer of security with password protection
- 💨 Compression: Private keys are compressed for shorter URLs and improved user experience
- 👁️ Single View: Each share can only be viewed once and is automatically deleted afterward
- 🧹 Automatic Cleanup: Scheduled tasks automatically remove expired shares from the database
- 🛡️ Rate Limiting: Protects against abuse by limiting request rates using Redis
- 📦 Modern Asset Building: Uses Vite for optimized frontend assets bundling
├── app/ # Application code
│ ├── controllers/ # Controllers handling HTTP requests
│ ├── models/ # Database models
│ └── services/ # Business logic services
│ └── scheduler/ # Scheduler for background tasks
│ ├── scheduler.ts # Scheduler implementation
│ └── tasks/ # Background tasks
│ └── clean_expired_shares.ts # Task to remove expired shares
├── config/ # Application configuration
├── database/ # Database migration and seed files
├── public/ # Static files and compiled assets
├── resources/ # Frontend resources
│ ├── css/ # CSS styles
│ ├── js/ # Client-side JavaScript
│ │ ├── app.js # Main JavaScript entry point
│ │ ├── encryption.js # Client-side encryption utilities
│ │ └── helpers/ # Helper utilities
│ └── views/ # Edge template files
├── tests/ # Test files
├── vite.config.ts # Vite configuration
└── package.json # Project dependencies
- Backend: AdonisJS - TypeScript-based Node.js web framework
- Client-Side Encryption: JSEncrypt - RSA encryption/decryption in the browser
- Compression: Pako - zlib port for compression/decompression
- Database: MySQL/SQLite/PostgreSQL
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Asset Building: Vite - Next generation frontend tooling
- Validation: VineJS - Form validation
- Task Scheduling: node-cron - Cron-style job scheduling
- Rate Limiting: @adonisjs/limiter - Request rate limiting
- Redis: Redis - In-memory data store used for rate limiting
OTI uses a client-side encryption architecture to ensure maximum security:
- RSA key pair generation happens directly in the user's browser
- Data is encrypted before transmission to the server
- The server never has access to unencrypted data or private keys
- Private keys are compressed to create shorter, more user-friendly URLs
- Decryption also happens entirely in the client browser
// Example of client-side encryption
const encrypted = Encryption.encrypt(secretText, publicKey);
// Client-side decryption
const decrypted = Encryption.decrypt(encryptedText, privateKey);
OTI implements rate limiting to protect against abuse and ensure fair resource usage:
- Redis-backed: Uses Redis for distributed rate limiting across multiple instances
- Route protection: Limits the number of requests to sensitive routes
- Customizable limits: Configure different thresholds for various endpoints
- Graceful handling: Custom error pages for rate-limited requests
// Example of route with rate limiting middleware
.group(() => {
router.get('', [SharesController, 'index'])
router.post('', [SharesController, 'store'])
.use(throttle) // Apply rate limiting
OTI implements a job scheduler to handle background tasks like cleaning up expired shares. Key features:
- Scheduled Tasks: Cron-based scheduling for automated maintenance tasks
- Task isolation: Each task is encapsulated in its own class with a defined schedule and handler
- Automatic cleanup: Expired shares are automatically removed every 15 minutes
- Configurable: Can be enabled/disabled via environment variables
// Example of a scheduled task implementation
export default class CleanExpiredShares implements Task {
public schedule = '*/15 * * * *'; // Run every 15 minutes
public async handle(): Promise<void> {
// Find and delete expired shares
const now = DateTime.now().toSQL();
const expiredShares = await SecretShare.query().where('expires_at', '<', now);
// Delete shares...
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/username/OTI.git
cd OTI
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Configure the
cp .env.example .env
# To enable the scheduler, set START_SCHEDULER=true
# For rate limiting, configure Redis connection
- Create the database:
node ace migration:run
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Navigate to
in your browser - Click the "New Share" button
- Enter the text you want to share
- Set the validity period and optional password
- Send the generated link to the recipient through a secure channel
- The recipient can access the information by clicking the link and entering the password if required
- The information is automatically destroyed after being viewed