We have two user stories we would like you to implement:
“As a potential traveler, I want to read a list of reviews for one of our most popular Berlin tours.”
“As a potential traveler, I want to just scroll down to read all the reviews for one of our most popular Berlin tours.”
The following web service delivers n (count) reviews which include the review author, title, message, date, rating, language code:
URL params Required
rating=[integer 0..5]
sortBy=[string date_of_review/rating]
direction=[string asc/desc]
• The final deliverable will be a package or a link to an accessible Git repository containing all of the code necessary to build and install the app along with a README.md with relevant information
• The app UI does not need to handle orientation changes
• No need to worry about legacy or tablet support
• The app does not need to manage user registration and/or authentication
• You’re allowed to use third-party code/libraries if you want. Please make sure to acknowledge its use in the README.md file
• Please use the last public stable version of iOS SDK and Xcode
Simply run before compiling
pod install