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npm i -g --unsafe-perm @treehouses/cli

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Usage: treehouses [command] ...


help [command]                            gives you a more detailed info about the command or will output this
expandfs                                  expands the partition of the RPI image to the maximum of the SDcard
rename <hostname>                         changes hostname
password <password>                       changes the password for 'pi' user
sshkey <add|list|delete|deleteall|github> used for adding or removing ssh keys for authentication
version                                   returns the version of command
image                                     returns version of the system image installed
detectrpi                                 detects the hardware version of a raspberry pi
detect                                    detects the hardware version of any device
ethernet <ip> <mask> <gateway> <dns>      configures rpi network interface to a static ip address
discover <scan|interface|ping|ports|mac>  performs network scan and discovers all raspberry pis on the network
         <rpi> [ipaddress|url|macaddress]
wifi <ESSID> [password]                   connects to a wifi network
staticwifi <ip> <mask> <gateway> <dns>    configures rpi wifi interface to a static ip address
           <ESSID> [password]
wifistatus                                displays signal strength in dBm and layman nomenclature
bridge <ESSID> <hotspotESSID>             configures the rpi to bridge the wlan interface over a hotspot
       [password] [hotspotPassword]
container <none|docker|balena>            enables (and start) the desired container
bluetooth <on|off|pause|mac>              switches between bluetooth hotspot mode / regular bluetooth and starts the service
bluetoothid [number]                      displays the bluetooth network name with the 4 random digits attached
ap <local|internet> <ESSID> [password]    creates a mobile ap, which has two modes: local (no eth0 bridging), internet (eth0 bridging)
apchannel [channel]                       sets or prints the current ap channel
timezone <timezone>                       sets the timezone of the system
locale <locale>                           sets the system locale
ssh <on|off>                              enables or disables the ssh service
vnc [on|off|info]                         enables or disables the vnc server service
default                                   sets a raspbian back to default configuration
wificountry <country>                     sets the wifi country
upgrade                                   upgrades package using npm
sshtunnel <add|remove|list|check|notice>  helps adding an sshtunnel
          <key|portinterval> [user@host]
led [green|red] [mode]                    sets the led mode
rtc <on|off> [rasclock|ds3231]            sets up the rtc clock specified
ntp <local|internet>                      enables or disables time through ntp servers
networkmode                               outputs the current network mode
button <off|bluetooth>                    gives the gpio pin 18 an action
feedback <message>                        sends feedback
clone [device path]                       clones the current SDCard onto a secondary SDCard or specified device
restore [device path]                     restores a treehouses image to an SDCard or specified device
burn [device path]                        download and burns the latest treehouses image to the SDcard or specified device
rebootneeded                              shows if reboot is required to apply changes
reboots <now|in|cron>                     reboots at given frequency | removes it if reboot task active
internet                                  checks if the rpi has access to internet
services [service_name] [format]          outputs or install the desired service
tor [start|stop|add|delete|list]          deals with services on tor hidden network
bootoption <console|desktop> [autologin]  sets the boot mode
openvpn [use|show|delete]                 helps setting up an openvpn client
coralenv [install|demo-on|demo-off]       plays with the coral environmental board
memory [total|used|free]                  displays the total memory of the device, the memory used as well as the available free memory 
temperature [celsius|fahrenheit]          displays raspberry pi's CPU temperature
speedtest                                 tests internet download and upload speed
camera [on|off|capture]                   enables camera, disables camera, captures png photo
cron [list|add|delete|deleteall]          adds, deletes a custom cron job or deletes, lists all cron jobs
     [0W|tor|timestamp]                   adds premade cron job (or removes it if already active)


Not sure if this is better than using bash.







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