Bot to assist in trade simulations.

Start at a specific price level
/sim start <Price>
Before next tick, pause so no more orders are accepted from reactions
/sim pause
Add value of next candle
/sim tick <Price>
Show all scores
/sim scores
Show all open orders
/sim orders
Close all orders with given price. Useful for last candle in simulation.
/sim close <Price>
Set current score of a user to a specific value. Any open orders will stay open.
/sim set-score @user 1337
Remove an open order of a user
/sim remove-order @user
Each user can 2x once. To allow a user to 2x again:
/sim reset-2x @user
Allow everyone to 2x again
/sim reset-2x-all
Reset the simulation. After reset, start a new session using .start
/sim reset
Set tick value for $ calculation in highscores list
/sim tick-value <TickValue>