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Use servile as base for serving
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olofk committed Feb 14, 2024
1 parent 112c2bb commit cdc19c0
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Showing 8 changed files with 178 additions and 339 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/reservoir.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ A CPU is only as good as its eosystem. In order to make use of SERV, it needs to
Welcome to the reservoir, a pool of ready-made designs and subsystems for different purpsoses that you can use to quickly get started with SERV or integrate it into larger designs.

.. include:: servile.rst
.. include:: serving.rst
.. include:: servant.rst
Binary file added doc/serving.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions doc/serving.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
Serving : FPGA subsystem

.. figure:: serving.png

Serving SoClet

Serving is ideal for FPGA implementations as it only uses a single combined block RAM for instructions, data and RF that can be preloaded with a RISC-V application. It exposes a wishbone data bus that can be used to connect peripheral controllers.


.. list-table:: Parameters
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 10 20 80

* - Parameter
- Values
- Description
* - memfile
- "" (default)
- Verilog hex file containing a RISC-V application to be preloaded into memory
* - memsize
- 1-4294967296 (default 8192)
- Size of memory (in bytes). Needs to be at least large enough to fit the application supplied by memsize. Note that the RF occupies the highest 128 bytes of memory in the RAM.
* - sim
- 0 (default), 1
- | Enable simulation mode. In simulation mode, two memory addresses have special purposes.
| 0x80000000: Writes to this address puts the byte in the lowest data byte into a log file decided by the "signature" plusarg.
| 0x90000000: Writes to this address ends the simulation.
- "MINI" (default), "NONE"
- | Amount of reset applied to design
| "NONE" : No reset at all. Relies on a POR to set correct initialization values and that core isn't reset during runtime
| "MINI" : Standard setting. Resets the minimal amount of FFs needed to restart execution from the instruction at RESET_PC.
- 0 (default), 1
- Enable the Zicsr extension. This also enables timer IRQ and exception handling. Note that SERV only implements a small subset of the CSR registers.


.. list-table:: Signals
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 30 10 5 75

* - Signal
- Width
- Direction
- Description
* - i_clk
- 1
- in
- Clock
* - i_rst
- 1
- in
- Synchronous reset
* - i_timer_irq
- 1
- in
- Timer interrupt
* - **Extension interface**
- Connect to peripheral controllers
* - o_wb_adr
- 32
- out
- Data bus address
* - o_wb_dat
- 32
- out
- Data bus write data
* - o_wb_sel
- 4
- out
- Data bus write data byte select mask
* - o_wb_we
- 1
- out
- Data bus write transaction
* - o_wb_cyc
- 1
- out
- Data bus active cycle
* - i_wb_rdt
- 32
- in
- Data bus return data
* - i_wb_ack
- 1
- in
- Data bus return data valid
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions serving.core
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,10 @@ name : ::serving:1.2.1
- serving/serving_arbiter.v
- serving/serving_mux.v
- serving/serving_ram.v
- serving/serving.v
file_type : verilogSource
depend : [serv]
depend : [servile]

Expand Down
241 changes: 72 additions & 169 deletions serving/serving.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,35 +34,13 @@ module serving

parameter memfile = "";
parameter memsize = 8192;
parameter sim = 1'b0;
parameter RESET_STRATEGY = "NONE";
parameter WITH_CSR = 1;
localparam regs = 32+WITH_CSR*4;

localparam rf_width = 8;

localparam aw = $clog2(memsize);

wire [31:0] wb_ibus_adr;
wire wb_ibus_stb;
wire [31:0] wb_ibus_rdt;
wire wb_ibus_ack;

wire [31:0] wb_dbus_adr;
wire [31:0] wb_dbus_dat;
wire [3:0] wb_dbus_sel;
wire wb_dbus_we;
wire wb_dbus_stb;
wire [31:0] wb_dbus_rdt;
wire wb_dbus_ack;

wire [31:0] wb_dmem_adr;
wire [31:0] wb_dmem_dat;
wire [3:0] wb_dmem_sel;
wire wb_dmem_we;
wire wb_dmem_stb;
wire [31:0] wb_dmem_rdt;
wire wb_dmem_ack;

wire [31:0] wb_mem_adr;
wire [31:0] wb_mem_dat;
wire [3:0] wb_mem_sel;
Expand All @@ -71,77 +49,55 @@ module serving
wire [31:0] wb_mem_rdt;
wire wb_mem_ack;

wire [6+WITH_CSR:0] waddr;
wire [rf_width-1:0] wdata;
wire wen;
wire [6+WITH_CSR:0] raddr;
wire [rf_width-1:0] rdata;

wire [aw-1:0] rf_waddr = ~{{aw-2-5-WITH_CSR{1'b0}},waddr};
wire [aw-1:0] rf_raddr = ~{{aw-2-5-WITH_CSR{1'b0}},raddr};

serving_arbiter arbiter
(.i_wb_cpu_dbus_adr (wb_dmem_adr),
.i_wb_cpu_dbus_dat (wb_dmem_dat),
.i_wb_cpu_dbus_sel (wb_dmem_sel),
.i_wb_cpu_dbus_we (wb_dmem_we ),
.i_wb_cpu_dbus_stb (wb_dmem_stb),
.o_wb_cpu_dbus_rdt (wb_dmem_rdt),
.o_wb_cpu_dbus_ack (wb_dmem_ack),

.i_wb_cpu_ibus_adr (wb_ibus_adr),
.i_wb_cpu_ibus_stb (wb_ibus_stb),
.o_wb_cpu_ibus_rdt (wb_ibus_rdt),
.o_wb_cpu_ibus_ack (wb_ibus_ack),

.o_wb_mem_adr (wb_mem_adr),
.o_wb_mem_dat (wb_mem_dat),
.o_wb_mem_sel (wb_mem_sel),
.o_wb_mem_we (wb_mem_we ),
.o_wb_mem_stb (wb_mem_stb),
.i_wb_mem_rdt (wb_mem_rdt),
.i_wb_mem_ack (wb_mem_ack));

serving_mux mux
(.i_clk (i_clk),
.i_rst (i_rst & (RESET_STRATEGY != "NONE")),

.i_wb_cpu_adr (wb_dbus_adr),
.i_wb_cpu_dat (wb_dbus_dat),
.i_wb_cpu_sel (wb_dbus_sel),
.i_wb_cpu_we (wb_dbus_we),
.i_wb_cpu_stb (wb_dbus_stb),
.o_wb_cpu_rdt (wb_dbus_rdt),
.o_wb_cpu_ack (wb_dbus_ack),

.o_wb_mem_adr (wb_dmem_adr),
.o_wb_mem_dat (wb_dmem_dat),
.o_wb_mem_sel (wb_dmem_sel),
.o_wb_mem_we (wb_dmem_we),
.o_wb_mem_stb (wb_dmem_stb),
.i_wb_mem_rdt (wb_dmem_rdt),
.i_wb_mem_ack (wb_dmem_ack),

.o_wb_ext_adr (o_wb_adr),
.o_wb_ext_dat (o_wb_dat),
.o_wb_ext_sel (o_wb_sel),
.o_wb_ext_we (o_wb_we),
.o_wb_ext_stb (o_wb_stb),
.i_wb_ext_rdt (i_wb_rdt),
.i_wb_ext_ack (i_wb_ack));
wire [6+WITH_CSR:0] rf_waddr;
wire [rf_width-1:0] rf_wdata;
wire rf_wen;
wire [6+WITH_CSR:0] rf_raddr;
wire [rf_width-1:0] rf_rdata;
wire rf_ren;

wire [$clog2(memsize)-1:0] sram_waddr;
wire [rf_width-1:0] sram_wdata;
wire sram_wen;
wire [$clog2(memsize)-1:0] sram_raddr;
wire [rf_width-1:0] sram_rdata;
wire sram_ren;

#(.memfile (memfile),
.depth (memsize))
(// Wishbone interface
.i_clk (i_clk),
.i_waddr (sram_waddr),
.i_wdata (sram_wdata),
.i_wen (sram_wen),
.i_raddr (sram_raddr),
.o_rdata (sram_rdata)/*,
.i_ren (rf_ren)*/);

#(.depth (memsize),
.rf_regs (regs))
(// Wishbone interface
.i_clk (i_clk),
.i_rst (i_rst),

.i_waddr (rf_waddr),
.i_wdata (wdata),
.i_wen (wen),
.i_wdata (rf_wdata),
.i_wen (rf_wen),
.i_raddr (rf_raddr),
.o_rdata (rdata),
.o_rdata (rf_rdata),
.i_ren (rf_ren),

.o_sram_waddr (sram_waddr),
.o_sram_wdata (sram_wdata),
.o_sram_wen (sram_wen),
.o_sram_raddr (sram_raddr),
.i_sram_rdata (sram_rdata),
.o_sram_ren (sram_ren),

.i_wb_adr (wb_mem_adr[$clog2(memsize)-1:2]),
.i_wb_stb (wb_mem_stb),
.i_wb_we (wb_mem_we) ,
Expand All @@ -150,94 +106,41 @@ module serving
.o_wb_rdt (wb_mem_rdt),
.o_wb_ack (wb_mem_ack));

localparam RF_L2W = $clog2(rf_width);

wire rf_wreq;
wire rf_rreq;
wire [$clog2(regs)-1:0] wreg0;
wire [$clog2(regs)-1:0] wreg1;
wire wen0;
wire wen1;
wire wdata0;
wire wdata1;
wire [$clog2(regs)-1:0] rreg0;
wire [$clog2(regs)-1:0] rreg1;
wire rf_ready;
wire rdata0;
wire rdata1;

#(.width (rf_width),
#(.reset_pc (32'h0000_0000),
.reset_strategy (RESET_STRATEGY),
.csr_regs (WITH_CSR*4))
(.i_clk (i_clk),
.i_rst (i_rst),
.i_wreq (rf_wreq),
.i_rreq (rf_rreq),
.o_ready (rf_ready),
.i_wreg0 (wreg0),
.i_wreg1 (wreg1),
.i_wen0 (wen0),
.i_wen1 (wen1),
.i_wdata0 (wdata0),
.i_wdata1 (wdata1),
.i_rreg0 (rreg0),
.i_rreg1 (rreg1),
.o_rdata0 (rdata0),
.o_rdata1 (rdata1),
.o_waddr (waddr),
.o_wdata (wdata),
.o_wen (wen),
.o_raddr (raddr),
.o_ren (),
.i_rdata (rdata));

#(.RESET_PC (32'h0000_0000),
.sim (sim),
.with_csr (WITH_CSR))
.clk (i_clk),
.i_clk (i_clk),
.i_rst (i_rst),
.i_timer_irq (i_timer_irq),
//Memory interface
.o_wb_mem_adr (wb_mem_adr),
.o_wb_mem_dat (wb_mem_dat),
.o_wb_mem_sel (wb_mem_sel),
.o_wb_mem_we (wb_mem_we),
.o_wb_mem_stb (wb_mem_stb),
.i_wb_mem_rdt (wb_mem_rdt),
.i_wb_mem_ack (wb_mem_ack),

//Extension interface
.o_wb_ext_adr (o_wb_adr),
.o_wb_ext_dat (o_wb_dat),
.o_wb_ext_sel (o_wb_sel),
.o_wb_ext_we (o_wb_we),
.o_wb_ext_stb (o_wb_stb),
.i_wb_ext_rdt (i_wb_rdt),
.i_wb_ext_ack (i_wb_ack),

.o_rf_rreq (rf_rreq),
.o_rf_wreq (rf_wreq),
.i_rf_ready (rf_ready),
.o_wreg0 (wreg0),
.o_wreg1 (wreg1),
.o_wen0 (wen0),
.o_wen1 (wen1),
.o_wdata0 (wdata0),
.o_wdata1 (wdata1),
.o_rreg0 (rreg0),
.o_rreg1 (rreg1),
.i_rdata0 (rdata0),
.i_rdata1 (rdata1),

//Instruction bus
.o_ibus_adr (wb_ibus_adr),
.o_ibus_cyc (wb_ibus_stb),
.i_ibus_rdt (wb_ibus_rdt),
.i_ibus_ack (wb_ibus_ack),

//Data bus
.o_dbus_adr (wb_dbus_adr),
.o_dbus_dat (wb_dbus_dat),
.o_dbus_sel (wb_dbus_sel),
.o_dbus_we (wb_dbus_we),
.o_dbus_cyc (wb_dbus_stb),
.i_dbus_rdt (wb_dbus_rdt),
.i_dbus_ack (wb_dbus_ack),

.o_ext_funct3 (),
.i_ext_ready (1'b0),
.i_ext_rd (32'd0),
.o_ext_rs1 (),
.o_ext_rs2 (),
.o_mdu_valid ());
.o_rf_waddr (rf_waddr),
.o_rf_wdata (rf_wdata),
.o_rf_wen (rf_wen),
.o_rf_raddr (rf_raddr),
.o_rf_ren (rf_ren),
.i_rf_rdata (rf_rdata));


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