Table of Contents |
Overview |
Requirements |
Installation |
Definitions |
Datastore Types |
This extension creates datasets and datastore tables for all organizations in a ckan instance and allows combining the data from all tables into CSVs for exporting.
This lets us use CKAN's authentication to restrict users to update only their organizations' tables but have all values available as a single dataset for our public site.
Recombinant provides template excel files for end users to bulk import or update data. It also provides a form to delete individual rows that have been imported.
Compatibility with core CKAN versions:
CKAN version | Compatible? |
2.6 and earlier | no |
2.7 | no |
2.8 | no |
2.9 | no |
2.10 | yes |
2.11 | no |
Compatibility with Python versions:
Python version | Compatible? |
2.7 and earlier | no |
3.7 and later | yes |
Required extensions:
Add this plugin to your CKAN configuration and link to your recombinant definition files:
ckan.plugins = datastore recombinant
recombinant.definitions = file:///.../type1.yaml ...
# module-path:file name may also be used, e.g:
# recombinant.definitions = ckanext.atisummaries:ati.yaml
# will try to load "ati.yaml" from the directory
# containing the ckanext.atisummaries module
Recombinant definitions control the behaviour of this extension. Dataset types are registered using an IDatasetForm plugin and must be unique across the CKAN instance.
Resource names are used to identify Excel sheets being imported and must be unique across the CKAN instance. Resource names are often the same as the dataset type when only a single resource is present in a definition.
The ckan -c <INI> recombinant create
command will create or update datasets for every organization to match the definition for its type, including updating fields, resources and creating or updating datastore table fields, primary keys and indexes.
Examples provided will be used to generate API documentation for end users.
For expansive examples, you can see the Canadian Data Portal definitions here.
- Specifies the primary key(s) to be used in the DataStore table.
datastore_primary_key: field_1
datastore_primary_key: [field_1, field_2]
- Specify the triggers that execute on each row in the database table. These are considered the backend validation.
- Sepecifies the database column name (a.k.a datastore field name). This must be unique in the resource. Must be a string.
datastore_id: example_field
- Specifies the label for the field. String or Dict[str, str]
label: Example Field
label: en: Example Field (English) fr: Example Field (en français)
- Specifies the description for the field. String or Dict[str, str]
description: > Field description
description: en: > Field description(English) fr: > Field description (en français)
- Specifies a human readable definition of the requirement of the field. String or Dict[str, str]
obligation: Optional
obligation: en: Required if another field is not zero (English) fr: Required if another field is not zero (en français)
- Specifies if the field is required in Excel Forms.
- Specifies if the field is required in Web Forms.
- Specifies a human readable definition of the validation for the field. String or Dict[str, str]
obligation: This field must not be empty.
ORobligation: en: This field must not be empty. fr: Ce champ ne doit pas être vide.
obligation: | This field must not be empty. The value cannot be less than zero.
- Specifies a human readable deinition to the recurrence of the field value. This is generally useful to
type fields.ORoccurrence: Single
occurrence: en: Repeatable (English) fr: Repeatable (en français)
- Specifies a human readable definition of the format for the field value.
format_type: Free text
format_type: en: City specified as City, Province, County (English) fr: City specified as City, Province, County (en français)
- Specifies the postgres datatype for the field. See Datastore Types below.
datastore_type: _text
- Specifies the YAML or JSON file to be used for select/multi-select.
choices_file: path/to/choices.yaml
- Instead of specifying a
, this specifies the choices directly in the field definition. Dict[str, str] or Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]ORchoices: value_1: Label for Value One
choices: value_1: en: Label for Value One (English) fr: Label for Value One (en français)
- Specifies whether or not to display the values AND labels in Excel select boxes. Boolean, defaults to False.
excel_full_text_choices: true
- The same as
but for Web Forms. Boolean, defaults to False.form_choices_prefix_code: true
- Specifies the Excel formula to use when calculating errors in Excel for the field's cells. You should always use
in it.excel_error_formula: OR({default_formula},{cell}<0)
- Specifies the Excel formula to use when calculating required errors in Excel for the field's cells.
excel_required_formula: NOT(ISBLANK({another_field}))
- Specifies the maximum number of characters for the field. Integer.
max_chars: 50
- Specifies whether or not the field is visible and editable in Excle Forms and Web Forms. Boolean, defaults to True.
visible_to_public: false
- Specifies whether or not the field should be imported into the database when loading an Excel file. Boolean, defaults to True.
import_template_include: false
- Specifies if the field is a dynamically calculated field or not. If it is, it will be excluded from Excel Forms, Web Forms, and the DataStore table. Boolean, defaults to False.
published_resource_computed_field: true
Each "fields" entry in the JSON table description file describes a field in the dataset. In particular, its "datastore_type" key codifies its type.
The ckanext-recombinant extension supports the following data type specifications, with their respective semantics:
"datastore_type": "text"
- The field is a text value, corresponding to a text column in the database. It takes no specific input format in the .xls template. Such fields default to a blank unicode string.
"datastore_type": "_text"
- The field is a text array value, corresponding to a text[] column in the database. It takes no specific input format in the .xls template. Such fields default to null.
"datastore_type": "int"
- The field is a numeric value, corresponding to an integer column in the database. It takes a .xls template format using space-separated digit groups; the execution canonicalizes content to an integer on write. Such fields default to zero.
"datastore_type": "year"
- The field is a year value, corresponding to an integer column in the database. It takes a .xls template format citing a four digit integer; the execution canonicalizes content to an integer on write. Such fields default to zero.
"datastore_type": "month"
- The field is a month value, corresponding to an integer column in the database. It takes a .xls template format citing a two digit integer, left-zero-padded; the execution canonicalizes content to an integer on write. Such fields default to zero.
"datastore_type": "date"
- The field is a date value, corresponding to a text column in the database. It takes a .xls template format specifying an ISO 8601 date (yyyy-mm-dd). Such fields default to a blank unicode string.
"datastore_type": "money"
- The field is a text value, corresponding to a text column in the database. It takes a xls template template format specifying a dollar sign ('$') prefix and space-separated digit groups; the execution reduces content to an integral numeric string on write. Such fields default to a blank unicode string.