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CDM 2019 02
Chris Beach edited this page May 8, 2019
1 revision
2019-01-31 (US) / 2019-02-01 (AU)
Chris B, Aaron H, Cath F, Christian M, Ian S, Jolse M, Nick , Sam
- Merge the equella/equella-autotests into the equella/Equella repo (I Stevenson)
- oEQ Java Versions and the future (I Stevenson)
- Code Climate (I Stevenson)
- Git flow discussion (https://groups.google.com/a/apereo.org/d/msg/equella-dev/eByBtgZcHnk/GaWIKF4dEwAJ)
- also... Should we maybe then protect our
branches; or, should we change more to a forking setup
- also... Should we maybe then protect our
- GitHub Org and Repo names - should they be changed to openEQUELLA? (I Stevenson)
- equella.github.io landing page (I Stevenson)
- Concerns with PRs which make changes across the whole repo (I Stevenson)
- PRs
- PR - build: configure renovate bot ( https://github.com/equella/Equella/pull/719 )
- PRs - Storing IntelliJ Project Settings
- Discuss code enhancements since last Dev mtg
- Review tech choices, code structures, direction
- Any tech debt concerns
- Open PRs to discuss
- Q&A
- Merge the equella/equella-autotests into the equella/Equella repo (I Stevenson)
- Historically been separate repos, recommend we merge the two since the autotests have been revised and are working now.
- No concerns - Ian S will make the merge. Branch into a subdirectory on both repos, and merge the tests into the main repo, and then hook in the CI.
- oEQ Java Versions and the future (I Stevenson)
- Coding and building should be consistent. Currently using Oracle JDK
- CI builds use OpenJDK
- Difficult to use OpenJDK with applets
- OracleJDK 11 drops support for JNLP
- IcedTea might help make OpenJDK work across the board
- Besides the applets / jnlp issue, currently oE doesn't build in Java 11. Code, build, run on Java 11, but target Java 8.
- Adopters are concerned about using old versions of Java
- How to fix? Ideally remove the applets, web start
- Proposed: Sunset File Manager and In-Place File Editor, and turn the JNLP Admin Console launcher into a Java launcher, and remove the JNLP build from the sbt - ideally in 2019.1
- Folks need to review with their clients / adopters of oE, discuss internally, and see if there are any major concerns to address.
- Mid-next week, IanS/Chris discuss outcomes and next steps.
- Code Climate (I Stevenson)
- Code climate is being a bit ignored atm, other github apps are available.
- Would be useful to have the tool tie into SBT
- Possible options for code style: CheckStyle, ScalaStyle, linters
- Consider automatic code style formatting...
- Ian can raise the github issues, and remove code climate as a starting point
- As time allows, folks can grab the tickets as they have time.
- Git flow discussion (https://groups.google.com/a/apereo.org/d/msg/equella-dev/eByBtgZcHnk/GaWIKF4dEwAJ)
- also... Should we maybe then protect our
branches; or, should we change more to a forking setup - develop has been setup, and configured as the github default branch for ease of opening PRs
- git flow was suggested since there is experience on the team and its a standard newcomers can use
- Proposal:
- develop and master are the long-lived branches
- master is the latest stable branch (release) of the app
- 'releases' are tagged on the master branch
- if a backport needs to occur on something earlier then the latest stable branch (ie master), then a release branch off of master would be created and persisted.
- No concerns from the group.
- Action item: Update the readme (Ian S)
- also... Should we maybe then protect our
- GitHub Org and Repo names - should they be changed to openEQUELLA? (I Stevenson)
- equella github project was created pre-open-source for moodle integration
- concerns about infringing on the 'equella' trademark
- concerns about linking
- Action item: figure out the priority of changing the names (ChrisB)
- Action item: figure out what project it should be under (openequella vs apereo vs ?) (ChrisB)
- Action item: Make the changes, update links, get the word out. (Pending the previous two items)
- equella.github.io landing page (I Stevenson)
- The docs need some TLC, nicer landing page
- Would be good to have consistent branding (Charlie, Sam, & possible another UX resource - maybe ask on the google forum) (Chris B)
- The old 'starburst' icon had to be replaced
- Concerns with PRs which make changes across the whole repo (I Stevenson)
- makes diffs difficult to manage
- For the specific PRs of code style, maybe just make the changes now, all at once, and then avoid repo-wide PRs if possible.
- Consider the code style PR and license header PR and then try to avoid in the future
- Folks are agreed on this path.
- PRs
- PR - build: configure renovate bot ( https://github.com/equella/Equella/pull/719 )
- Monitors dependencies, and decides it's outdated, it'll open a PR. It is highly configurable, supports a wide range of package managers
- Concern is how to merge in the PRs and make sure the project is still working
- Concern with LoE for testing upgrading deps for the sake of upgrading deps.
- Agreed that upgrading deps make sense for security, feature, or bug fixes
- When upgrading deps, do it early in a release cycle
- Agreed - for now, don't use renovate, but whoever opens a dep upgrade PR, run the autotests, smoke test it locally, and do so early in the release cycle.
- Javascript testing - currently there are no Javascript testing inplace. Discuss at the next CDM (Christian M)
- PRs - Storing IntelliJ Project Settings
- Most of the current devs are using intelliJ
- It would help newcomers using intelliJ
- It's optional for developers to use
- Still has some issues to work out (fix or remove)
- Primary value-add is code style. Considering removing this PR, and focus on the code style
- Code style:
- Using the Google Java format and discuss in the forum, align in next CDM (Christian M)
- There should be a SBT task to check format, and then add it as build checks
- Should include Scala, Purescript, Typescript, Javascript style checkers
- Scala, Purescript - (Jolse)
- Typescript, Javascript, CSS, SASS - should be in the Google Formatter
- PR 724 - concerns on performance to build out in-app
- Consider using a third party tool
- It would be an optional choice
- Implementation will be component based
- It will be different charting / analysis than BIRT, both for the old and new UI
- PR - build: configure renovate bot ( https://github.com/equella/Equella/pull/719 )
Action Item | Person |
Merge equella-autotests into Equella | I Stevenson |
Update README.md to tell people which branch to use under Git Flow | I Stevenson |
Discuss next steps for providing an Admin Console package | C Beach & I Stevenson |
Remove Code Climate from GitHub checks | I Stevenson |
Add GitHub Issues to look into incorporating CheckStyle and ScalaCheck | I Stevenson |
Check if there is a priority to change the GitHub organisation and repo name | C Beach |
Check what project/org Equella should be under | C Beach |
Prepare discussion on JS testing for next CDM | C Murphy |
Distribute to dev mailing list ideas for Java/JS Code Style to adopt (probably Google's) | C Murphy |
Distribute to dev mailing list ideas for Scala/Purescript Code Style to adopt | J Maginnis |