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A simple way to fire JavaScript events across iframes.


Orca Scan uses CustomEvent to fire app lifecycle events such as app:ready in our apps. Trouble is only handlers in the current page get the event, an event handler in an iframe never recieves the event.

broadcastEvent(eventName, eventData, options) was created to solve that problem.

 * @param {string} eventName - event to dispatch
 * @param {object} [eventData={}] - optional data to send
 * @param {object} [options={}] - optional options ;)
 * @param {boolean} [options.encrypt=false] - if set, encrypts event data in transit
 * @param {string} [] - if set, sends event only to that frame
 * @param {boolean} [options.debug=false] - console log if true (default false)
 * @returns {void}
broadcastEvent(eventName, eventData, options);

How it works

  • broadcastEvent exists in every page
  • broadcastEvent fires the event locally and sends to all iframes using postMessage
  • broadcastEvent in every page recieves the postMessage and fires the event locally

broadcastEvent allows firing events across iframes on different domains (with data) without an issue.


Add broadcast-event.min.js to all pages you want to broadcast/recieve an event:

Fire an event

Broadcast an event to all from any page/iframe:

broadcastEvent('my:event', { firstName: 'Micky', lastName: 'Mouse' });

Recieve an event

Recieve an event from within any page/iframe using the standard window.addEventListener:

window.addEventListener('my:event', function(e) {

    // get the data sent with the event
    var eventData = e.detail;


event data

The following event data is included with every event and accessible via e.detail

  _originId: '1sadfa3', // unique id for sending instance of broadcastEvent
  _targetId: '223eqw3', // optional originId of frame to target
  ...                   // your event data

Broadcast to a specific frame

There are times when you might want to respond to an event, the best way to do this is to pass the _originId of the event you recieved as the target of the next broadcast:

// listen for an event
window.addEventListener('my:event', function(e) {

    // fire an event in the senders window
    broadcastEvent('my:event:ty', { message: 'Thanks!' }, { target: e.detail._originId });

All frames participate in broadcasting events, but will not fire the event locally unless target equals _originId.

Encrypting event data

broadcastEvent sends event data via postMessage to all iframes. This could mean it's sending to an iframe injected by a third party script. To avoid revealing sensertive information pass encrypt: true as an option, eventData is then encrypted in transit.

broadcastEvent('my:event', { firstName: 'Micky', lastName: 'Mouse' }, { encrypt: true });


To debug issues broadcasting events pass { debug: true } as an event option:

broadcastEvent('my:event', { firstName: 'Micky', lastName: 'Mouse' }, { debug: true });

Then open Dev Tools to see a console log of the broadcast flow:

broadcast-event[http://localhost/parent-with-iframe.html] sending "my:event" down
broadcast-event[http://localhost/iframe.html] received "my:event"
broadcast-event[http://localhost/iframe.html] sending "my:event" up
broadcast-event[http://localhost/iframe.html] sending "my:event" down
broadcast-event[http://localhost/parent-with-iframe.html] received "my:event"
broadcast-event[http://localhost/parent-with-iframe.html] suppressed "my:event"
broadcast-event[http://localhost/nested-iframe.html] received "my:event"
broadcast-event[http://localhost/nested-iframe.html] sending "my:event" up
broadcast-event[http://localhost/iframe.html] received "my:event"
broadcast-event[http://localhost/iframe.html] suppressed "app:ready


We have a few unit tests to confirm stability, more will be added over time. To run the tests use:

cd broadcast-event
npm i
npm test


To build a new version of broadcast-event.min.js from source:

  1. increase the version number in package.json
  2. run npm run build


We Open Source code we think might help others, if you'd like to assist:

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request 🙏

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MIT License © Orca Scan - a barcode app with simple barcode tracking APIs.