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OreSat firmware projects using Zephyr RTOS.


NOTE: This mostly rework of

Install dependencies

  • Arch Linux

    sudo pacman -S git cmake ninja gperf ccache dfu-util dtc wget \
      python-dev python-pip python-setuptools python-tk python-wheel \
      xz file make sdl2 stlink
  • Debian Linux

    sudo apt install --no-install-recommends git cmake ninja-build gperf \
      ccache dfu-util device-tree-compiler wget \
      python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-tk python3-wheel \
      xz-utils file make libsdl2-dev libmagic1 stlink-tools

Install Zephyr SDK

  • Arch Linux (from AUR)

    paru -S zephyr-sdk-bin
  • Everything else

    cd /opt
    tar xvf zephyr-sdk-0.16.8_linux-x86_64.tar.xz
    cd zephyr-sdk-0.16.8

Add udev rule:

sudo cp /opt/zephyr-sdk-0.16.8/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/share/openocd/contrib/60-openocd.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo udevadm control --reload

Install west

pip install west

Get the source code

west init -m --mr master zephyr-workspace
cd zephyr-workspace
west update

Export Zephyr CMake package:

west zephyr-export

Install the rest of Zephyr's Python dependencies

pip install -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt

Install OreSat Configs

While the latest oresat-configs release can be install via pip, for development, it is better to have latest code from the git repo.

cd oresat-configs
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd -

Test compile and flash

cd zephyr/samples/basic/blinky
west build -p always -b nucleo_f091rc .
west flash --runner openocd


  • clang-format: Used to auto format the code. Can be installed with the clang-format package.

CAN Tools

Since the main communication bus on OreSat is a CAN bus, CAN bus monitoring tools are needed for development and testing.

  • candump: Useful for monitoring if there is some CAN communication. Can be installed with can-utils package.
  • SavvyCAN: A GUI to decode and display/graph signals from CAN messages. Use oresat-configs to generate the .dbc file used to decode CAN messages and their signals with SavvyCAN.