Labs64 NetLicensing-Community Discussions
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 How to determine if a customer has an active recurring payment?
documentationImprovements or additions to documentation questionFurther information is requested -
You must be logged in to vote 🙏 How to specify custom license template numbers
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Add/update/unset custom properties
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Allow customers to acquire a bundle
documentationImprovements or additions to documentation questionFurther information is requested -
You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Customer and vendor notification upon successful NetLicensing Shop transaction
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 How to create non-expirable shop token
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Vendor onboarding Q&A
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Validation for node locked licensing model
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Session mamangement?
documentationImprovements or additions to documentation questionFurther information is requested -
You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Login logs.
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You must be logged in to vote 💬 How to create and update Licenses using NetLicensing RESTful API
documentationImprovements or additions to documentation questionFurther information is requested -
You must be logged in to vote 🙏 How to do a checkout for a floating license in cpp
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Where does the API Key in Basic auth come from?
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Floating license model - session expiration
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You must be logged in to vote 💬 Welcome to NetLicensing-Community Discussions!
enhancementNew feature or request -
🙏 How to generate a unique hardware ID to be used with Node-Locked model
documentationImprovements or additions to documentation questionFurther information is requested -
You must be logged in to vote 🙏 How to sign the xml in NetLicensing portal
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 How to validate offline license file with the NetLicensing C# library
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 customer portal
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Export customer data (customer, product, licenses, expiration)
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Validate users licenses without knowing their licensee number
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Student educational benefits (basic plan)
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 Combine Subscription and Node-Locked models in one product
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You must be logged in to vote 🙏 How to modify the customer number
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