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Austin Richardson audy
Head of Bioinformatics @onecodex

@OneCodex San Francisco, CA

Waldir M. Berbel-Filho waldirmbf
Evolutionary biologist adventuring in bioinformatics.
Postdoc at Glasgow studying macrocyclic lactone resistance in ruminant nematodes and mites. Site contains some helpful finished code and more chaotic notes.

SBOHVM, University of Glasgow

Jonas Fuchs jonas-fuchs
Molecular virologist by training. Developing software for viral genomics.
Tanmai Mukku tanmaimukku
Software Developer


Hrishikesh Patil hrishikeshp0304
Georgia Tech '24 | IIT Guwahati '23 Computational Biology | Bioinformatics

Georgia Tech Atlanta, Georgia

Christopher J Benway cbenway

Exosome Diagnostics, Inc a Bio-Techne Brand Boston, MA

xiaoliu Diana-sugar

lanzhou university

Luigui Gallardo-Becerra LuiguiGallardo

Institute of Biotechnology, UNAM

Nicole Trieu nbtrieu
Full Stack Web Developer

Irvine, CA, USA

Nam LHS lhsnam
Researcher of tiny living things.

@Zymo-research Vietnam

Mashal mashalcopperman
First year Microbiology & Molecular Genetics PhD student at Michigan State University interested in how toxic heavy metals affect the root microbiome
Kelly Sovacool, PhD kelly-sovacool
Bioinformatics Software Engineer

@CCBR Remote from Michigan, USA

Jermaine Maragh jmaragh

Zymo Research Los Angeles

Lâm HM lamhm
My personal projects are on GitLab:
