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Releases: osmosis-labs/osmosis

Osmosis v22.0.5 🧪

07 Feb 00:06
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This release adds some minor epoch speedup logic, along with a new in-place-testnet CLI for creating testnets with mainnet state instantly.


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v22.0.5
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.5 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.5-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.5-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.5-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.5 version
# v22.0.5

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v22.0.3 🧪

02 Feb 02:59
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This release only adds some additional logging for troubleshooting.


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v22.0.3
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.3 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.3-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.3-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.3-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.3 version
# v22.0.3

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v22.0.1 🧪

20 Jan 02:41
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Adds a fix that prevent nodes under heavy gRPC load from app hashing.


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v22.0.1
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.1 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.1-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.1-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.1-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.1 version
# v22.0.1

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v22.0.0 🧪

12 Jan 21:36
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Upgrade Features

This upgrade focuses on performance improvements for the Osmosis chain.

  • Reduced gas usage for transactions through optimization of messages, with emphasis on swaps.
    Increase in MaxGas from 120m to 300m, allowing over double the number of typical transactions to be included per block. Proposal 705
  • Halved MaxBytes to 5mb, capping the bandwidth available for p2p sharing of blocks with higher gas usage. Proposal 705
  • Increase in the cost of bytes from 10 to 20, increasing the cost of gas that is still used.
  • Increased Max gas per transaction from 25M to 30M and high gas threshold from 2M to 2.5M to smooth the contract upload process, made viable by the block MaxGas increase.
  • Smoothed the rate of change of the cost of gas through optimizations to basefee calculations.
  • Optimised Protorev tracking, Epoch processing and mempool filters.
  • Decreased time-out commit from 5s to 4s standard, decreasing block time as previously used in the optional patch V21.1.4.
  • Updates wasmvm from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 as per CWA-2023-004
  • Tweaks EIP 1559 settings and dynamically sets recheck factor based on current base fee value, allowing for spam transactions to be evicted from the mempool faster
  • Use of Supercharged Pools in the txfee module is now enabled.
  • Governance Metadata length increased from 256 to 10200.


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v22.0.0
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0 version
# v22.0.0

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v22.0.0-testnet 🧪

12 Jan 21:50
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See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v22.0.0-testnet
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-testnet distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-testnet-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-testnet-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-testnet-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-testnet version
# v22.0.0-testnet

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v22.0.0-rc0 🧪

10 Jan 00:48
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See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v22.0.0-rc0
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-rc0 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-rc0-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-rc0-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-rc0-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:22.0.0-rc0 version
# v22.0.0-rc0

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v21.1.4 🧪

23 Dec 04:59
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Changes the default config's TimeoutCommit from 5s to 4s, and overrides the config if its set to 5s exactly. TimeoutCommit controls the blocktime for cosmos chains, and there have been numerous experiments lowering it, both on Osmosis and other cosmos chains. Its been safely lowered to 500ms on otherchains, and numerous validators have tested 4s and 3s on Osmosis. Blocktime in Tendermint is up to each validator to choose and override.


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v21.1.4
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:21.1.4 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:21.1.4-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:21.1.4-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:21.1.4-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:21.1.4 version
# v21.1.4

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v21.1.3 🧪

23 Dec 02:32
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  • Fixes the 4x increase in the number of events emitted at Epoch
  • Fixes gas simulation issues that came in v21.x
  • Improve the mempool 1559 parameters, its predicted to fee spikes to be decrease in magnitude (The mainnet fees have been spiking significantly)
  • Small CPU time improvements to Epoch time


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v21.1.3
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:21.1.3 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:21.1.3-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:21.1.3-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:21.1.3-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:21.1.3 version
# v21.1.3

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v21.0.0 🧪

12 Dec 21:38
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This upgrade adds the following features:

Cosmos SDK Updated to v0.47.x

Moves Osmosis towards using the mainline Cosmos SDK version
Reduces overhead of maintaining a highly divergent fork
Makes future sdk upgrades simpler
Allows Osmosis improvements to be upstreamed to other Cosmos chains.

Protocol Revenue Tracking

Taker fees, Transaction Fees and Cyclic Arb revenue are now all queryable on chain via the protorev module.

Sidecar Query Server

External service that allows the calculation of optimal routes through Osmosis pools for transactions to be queried by third parties.


Concentrated liquidity hooks added to core CL logic in advance of allowing hook contracts to be linked.
EstimateTradeBasedOnPriceImpact added to Stargate whitelist.
ProtoRev module no longer pays Taker Fees on arbitrage backruns, improving the alignment between differing liquidity locations.
Several improvements relating to mempool filtering, previously present in v20.x releases.
Wasmd updated to v0.45.0 and wasmvm to 1.5.0


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v21.0.0
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:21.0.0 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:21.0.0-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:21.0.0-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:21.0.0-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:21.0.0 version
# v21.0.0

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v21.0.0-a-rc4-testnet 🧪

08 Dec 21:08
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See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v21.0.0-a-rc4-testnet
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:21.0.0-a-rc4-testnet distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:21.0.0-a-rc4-testnet-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:21.0.0-a-rc4-testnet-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:21.0.0-a-rc4-testnet-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:21.0.0-a-rc4-testnet version
# v21.0.0-a-rc4-testnet

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.