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Releases: osmosis-labs/osmosis

Osmosis v20.0.0-rc1-testnet 🧪

16 Oct 23:11
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Release candidate to test the v20.0.0 upgrade on osmo-test-5 testnet.




See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v20.0.0-rc1-testnet
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:20.0.0-rc1-testnet distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:20.0.0-rc1-testnet-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:20.0.0-rc1-testnet-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:20.0.0-rc1-testnet-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:20.0.0-rc1-testnet version
# v20.0.0-rc1-testnet

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v20.0.0 🧪

17 Oct 17:08
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Osmosis v20.0.0 🧪 Pre-release


Please use the v20.1.0 release to upgrade nodes

Osmosis v20.0.0-rc0 🧪

14 Oct 03:28
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Release candidate to test the v20.0.0 upgrade.




See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v20.0.0-rc0
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:20.0.0-rc0 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:20.0.0-rc0-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:20.0.0-rc0-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:20.0.0-rc0-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:20.0.0-rc0 version
# v20.0.0-rc0

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v19.2.0 🧪

28 Sep 01:05
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This release introduces several minor miscellaneous improvements and features.

Notably, there is an update to IAVL dependency that now allows the support of queries concurrent with the commit flow.

The release is optional and can be applied at the node operator's convenience.

Please review the changelog for any API breaks and newly added queries.


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v19.2.0
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:19.2.0 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:19.2.0-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:19.2.0-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:19.2.0-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:19.2.0 version
# v19.2.0

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v19.1.0 🧪

20 Sep 21:59
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This minor release includes several API breaks, performance improvements, and miscellaneous changes. Clients should review the API breaking section of the changelog to ensure compatibility.

The upgrade is state-compatible and can be applied at the node operator's convenience. The state compatibility was tested by synching a node from the time of the v19.0.0 upgrade.

Notable breaks:

  • Change math dependency from custom SDK fork to
  • Change APIs in concentrated liquidity to operate on decimal with higher precision.

Performance improvements include:

  • Introducing math operations on BigDec that do not perform reallocations
  • Speedup in Pow function that avoids reallocations

Miscellaneous improvements include:

  • CL Query for the given number of initialized ticks and their liquidity relative to the current tick
  • Taker fee CLI
  • Poolmanager parameters CLI

What Changed

See the full changelog here


🐳 Docker

The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Description
osmolabs/osmosis:19.1.0 Default image. Based on Distroless image
osmolabs/osmosis:19.1.0-distroless Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:19.1.0-nonroot Distroless non root image
osmolabs/osmosis:19.1.0-alpine Alpine image


docker run osmolabs/osmosis:19.1.0 version
# v19.1.0

All the images have support for arm64 and amd64 architectures.

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v19.1.0
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux amd64 and arm64 are available below.
Darwin users should build binaries from source.

Osmosis v19.0.0 🧪

31 Aug 11:07
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This v19 major release adds taker fee logic to the poolmanager, improving fee handling and income distribution. The release also fixes a bug in the superfluid protocol.

This upgrade is governed by Proposal 606, which aims to upgrade the Osmosis codebase to the v19.0.0 software tag at block height 11317300. This is estimated to occur on Tuesday, September 5th, at UTC 16:00.

Block times have high variance, so please monitor the chain for more precise time estimates.


  • Taker Fee: Implemented taker fee logic in the poolmanager when executing swaps. All swap logic messages must go through the poolmanager to incur taker fees. Fees accrue in two separate txfees module accounts: one for staking rewards and another for the community pool. (#6034)

Bug Fixes

  • v19 Upgrade Handler: Fixed an issue in the superfluid protocol during upgrades. (#6190)
  • Token Factory Events: Fixed events for mintTo and burnFrom in the x/tokenfactory module. (#6195)
  • Superfluid EpochEnd Hook: Addressed a panic edge case in superfluid's After EpochEnd hook by applying a conditional function for CL multiplier updates. (#6195)

Additional Information on Taker Fee

The taker fee changes how swap fees are handled and adds another layer of income distribution to staking rewards and the community pool. This upgrade only introduces the fee logic as the initial taker fee will be set to 0 (zero).


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v19.0.0
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:19.0.0 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:19.0.0-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:19.0.0-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:19.0.0-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:19.0.0 version
# v19.0.0

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v19.0.0-rc0 🧪

31 Aug 10:57
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Release candidate to test the v19.0.0 upgrade.



See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux and Darwin (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v19.0.0-rc0
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis-dev:19.0.0-rc0 alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis-dev:19.0.0-rc0 version
# v19.0.0-rc0

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

Osmosis v18.0.0 🧪

24 Aug 14:47
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In the v17 upgrade, more CL pools were launched that are linked to a balancer pool with the same token pair.

Due to a historic issue specific to mainnet, a state entry now used in incentive distribution was in an invalid state, causing a panic.
The issue was not caught in the state exported from mainnet to testnet because it executes InitGenesis() logic which corrects the problem, meaning that this issue was not replicated on testnet. (And could not have been, without custom logic to recreate this invalid state)

While this issue does not cause a chain halt, it currently silently fails and prevents incentives from being distributed to any Osmosis pool.

All funds are safe and are NOT at risk. The rewards that have not been distributed since v17 will be distributed after the v18 upgrade.

For internal OSMO incentives, the day after the upgrade, users will get 2x the regular amount (for the missed epoch and for the current epoch).

For external incentives, the rewards will continue distributing in regular amounts, with a delay by one epoch.

Future testing procedures will export mainnet state to testnet in a different manner to ensure that InitGenesis() does not overwrite any invalid historical states from Mainnet.

What Changed

See the full changelog here


🐳 Docker

The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Description
osmolabs/osmosis:18.0.0 Default image. Based on Distroless image
osmolabs/osmosis:18.0.0-distroless Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:18.0.0-nonroot Distroless non root image
osmolabs/osmosis:18.0.0-alpine Alpine image


docker run osmolabs/osmosis:18.0.0 version
# v18.0.0

All the images have support for arm64 and amd64 architectures.

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v18.0.0
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux amd64 and arm64 are available below.
Darwin users should build binaries from source.

Osmosis v17.0.0 🧪

18 Aug 10:28
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This is a major release for the highly anticipated v17.0.0 upgrade, focused on enhancing the Osmosis platform's functionality and capital efficiency.

It introduces several new modules and features while also updating existing APIs and dependencies.

Key Features and Enhancements:

  1. Linked CL Pools: We have expanded our offerings with the addition of more linked CL Pools.

  2. Token Factory Enhancements: Introducing Bank hooks (BlockBeforeSend, TrackBeforeSend). These integrations will streamline and bolster your token factory experience. Thank you @zodiac-protocol for the help on testing!

  3. IBC-Hooks Update: We're proud to announce that IBC-hooks now support async acknowledgements during onRecvPacket processing. This enhancement ensures smoother and faster data transfer operations.

  4. Superfluid Stake / Locks to Native Staking: A significant update for our delegators! You can now effortlessly convert directly from superfluid/locks to native staking. This change aims to provide a more seamless experience for our stakers.

  5. ProtoRev Integration: The introduction of CW pools to ProtoRev marks a new milestone for us. This feature broadens the spectrum of our functionalities and ensures better protocol revisions.

See the full changelog here


🐳 Docker

The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Description
osmolabs/osmosis:17.0.0 Default image. Based on Distroless image
osmolabs/osmosis:17.0.0-distroless Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:17.0.0-nonroot Distroless non root image
osmolabs/osmosis:17.0.0-alpine Alpine image


docker run osmolabs/osmosis:17.0.0 version
# v17.0.0

All the images have support for arm64 and amd64 architectures.

🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v17.0.0
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux amd64 and arm64 are available below.
Darwin users should build binaries from source.

Osmosis v17b-testnet 🧪

17 Aug 16:02
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Use for second testnet upgrade from v17 to v17b. This includes the staking message changes.

What Changed

See the full changelog here


🔨 Build from source

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v17b-testnet
make install

⚡️ Download binaries

Binaries for linux amd64 and arm64 are available below.
Darwin users should build binaries from source.