Imagine not having to panic when there is an issue with payments as a student. Occasionally student face challanges making payment for various things on the portal. Issues like double payment, unsuccessful payment, incorrect payment amount etc and when this happens such student goes through physical, mental and emotional stress, to clear the issue the student might need to make numerous trips to the bank. With the APRS system any payment issue can be queried and payment reversal will be made without going to the bank.
The APRS system is a glitch free software that is designed to provide students who might have any issue with payments on the school portal be it unsucessful payment, double payment etc with a platforn to issue a complaint about such payment and receive immediate attention from the school and the bank without having to make trips to anywhere. Simply login to the platform from the comfort of your own device anywhere and you will have access to both your school and the bank.
The APRS software is a platform that links the student, school and the bank providing a seamless way of making complaints with just a few clicks your query will be made and your complaint gets immediate attention from the right people who can help you out. Not only does our software save time and effort, it also ensures that your concerns are addressed promtly. It's all about making things easier for students.
The system requirements are divided into two:The Hardware requirements and the Software requirements.
The minimum system requirement for this application to run is any system(PC) that possess the following attributes
- Hardware Requirements
- 1gb ram system
- 20gb rom
- 1.2ghz processor and above
- Sofware Requirements
- A Web Server e.g wamp,xamp, laragon etc.
- PHP V8 and above
- MySQL Database
- Composer
- Git (optional if you are cloning from github)
System architecture is a high-level design or blueprint that outlines the structure, components, and interactions of a system, helping to define how it will function and meet its objectives. It serves as a roadmap for designing and building complex systems, providing a clear and organized framework for development
A use case diagram is a diagram that shows the interaction between users and a system, it also helps to understand how the system is used and different actions it can perform. The APRS system has three users: the students, the school and the bank.
A Data flow diagram shows how data moves through a system. It illustrates the flow of information between different processes, data sources and data destinations.
This diagram shows the object(tables) and their relationship with one another. It helps to understand the structure and organisation of data in a database system.
To install this software the system(PC) should possess the system requirements listed above.
Running this software project from GitHub involves a few steps. You can do this by either cloning the repository using Git or by downloading the project as a ZIP file.
STEP 1: Clone project
## Open your terminal and navigate to your project directory
cd your_project_directory
git clone
# Navigate to the project folder
cd course_allocation
STEP 2: Set Up the Environment Configuration
#Copy the .env.example file to a new .env file:
cp .env.example .env
STEP 3: Install Project Dependencies
#Run composer install
composer install
STEP 4: Set Up the Environment Configuration
#Generate an application key:
php artisan key:generate
STEP 5: Create the Database
Create a new database on your local database server. Update the database connection information in the .env
Step 6: Run Database Migrations and Seeders
The command below below will create tables and create the tables with dummy data
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Step 7: Start the Local Development Server
php artisan serve
Step 8: Access Your Laravel Application
Open a web browser and navigate to
or the URL provided by the Laravel development server. You should see your Laravel application up and running locally
By default, Laravel will start the development server on
Step 1: Go to the github repositoty
#Navigate to the GitHub repository of the project
Download the project as a ZIP file.
Step 2: Extract and save the file
Extract the ZIP file
Into the the www folder of laragon
After successful download of the project, Follow from step 2 of method 1.
The software has three(3) types of users the school(admin), the bank and the student(s). Here are some of the feautures of each.
As a student
Every student on the system has a profile which shows the basic information about them on the system.
- Payment Query
Students make query on any payment on their profile and wait for reversal.
When a query has been made for reversal.
While the payment query is processing the status of any payment that has been quereied will be processing.
When the payment reversal request has been approved, the status of the payment changes to approved.
As an Admin(School)
The admis has access to the students on the system and the payments that have been made and payments that was queried. The Admin can delete a student from the system if need be.
To delete a student from the system
As The Bank
The bank has the sole responsibility of approving or denying payment reversal query.
When the bank approves a payment
When the bank denies a reversal payment