A simple github action to retrieve tryhackme static badge image and display it on your profile README!
- Star this repo and give me a follow :)
- Create a .github/workflows directory in your username repo where your README is located
- Create a file named tryhackme-badge-workflow.yml inside of that folder
- Place the following code inside of the previously created file:
name: TryHackMe Update Badge
# Make it run every 24 hour
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
name: Update this repo's tryhackme badge with the latest tryhackme image badge
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: p4p1/tryhackme-badge-workflow@main
# Replace with your tryhackme username
username: "<USERNAME>"
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}} # Do not paste your github token here - this is a placeholder
# and will pull your github token automatically
- Create a assets/ folder inside of your username repo
- Add the following markdown in your read me and add your username:

- Run the action
name | description | default | required |
image_path | Path of the image file you want to update | ./assets/thm_propic.png | false |
username | Tryhackme username | true | |
committer_username | Username of commiting bot | thm-p4p1-bot | false |
committer_email | Email of commiting bot | [email protected] | false |
commit_message | Commit message | Updated THM profile badge | false |
GITHUB_TOKEN | Your github secret token | true |