Releases: pancake-llc/foundation
Releases · pancake-llc/foundation
- fix performance issue of serialize/deserialize data (Detailed benchmarks will be updated later but on ARMv8 it is about 20 times faster than before. In a window editor environment, it is about 4-5 times faster)
Call Load 10000 times
- Split Type UnityEvent into Core/Runtime/UnityEvent (bool, color, float, int, string, transform, vector2, vector3, vector3transform, raycasthit, raycast hit 2d)
- Add TouchInput holding control drag, finger, pinch
- Update drawer scriptable
- -Update tween version
- Open project with unity 2022.3.12f1
- Update version Particle Effect for UGUI to version 4.4.0
- Update Prime Tween version 1.1.2
- Add logic show popup NoInternet, you can turn on or turn off require internet in HeartSetting
- Add simple graphy monitor display fps, ram, you can show it in menu administrator
- Update admob 8.6.0 and mediation
- Fix wrong syntax in admob banner variable
- Update AppLovin 6.0.0
- Add missing safe area in some page and popup
- Check null in OnValidate of OutfitUnitVariable and DailyRewardVariable to avoid error when open unity
- Remove entry object after load scene completed
- Add support localization
- add tool replace font for all object in project
-add language feature in wizard
-add locale text
-add locale text mesh pro
-add locale audio clip
-add locale material
-add locale font
-add locale font asset
-add locale texture
-add locale prefab
-add import and export locale from csv
-add auto translate by google translate
-add support vietnamese for font lilita one
-add save state current language
-add support for save data when exit in editor
-implement sample locale for foundation
-add menu change language in popup setting
-add feature remove all localization component from all object in project (scene, prefab)
- add tool replace font for all object in project
- Add credit popup place in popup setting
- Add property handle sound open and close directly in View class
- Update lastest version tween
- Call OnCompleted directly of Ad callback when in Editor
- Fix typo name method in IAPManager
- Add popup leaderboard
- Add popup rename
- Fix refresh ui when collect reward in popup dailyreward
- Add button debug next day in admistrator
- Fix update currency in popup outfit
- Fix method StopAll sound effect
- Remove property IsTest in IAPData instead use refund feature on Google Play Console to reset purchase
- AudioListener now only added in persistent scene
- Add transition popup to avoid issue camera when change scene by addressable
- Set current level when use jump to level in administrator
- Button Play This Level in prefab level now work correctly both on editor and runtime
- Update Notification to version 2.2.2
- Update IAP package to version 4.10.0
- Update addressable to version 1.21.19
- Update leaderboard to version 2.0.0