This small program is a FastAPI application written in Python. It has two endpoints: '/' and '/random/{limit}'.
The root endpoint ('/') responds with a simple message when you make a GET request to it.
The '/random/{limit}' endpoint generates a random number between 0 and the specified 'limit' when you make a GET request to it. The 'limit' is a parameter you provide in the URL, and the endpoint returns a JSON response with the generated number and the provided limit.
To run this program, you can use a tool like 'uvicorn' to start the FastAPI server, like this:
Once the server is running, you can test the '/random/{limit}' endpoint with a tool like Postman. Send a GET request to '' to get a random number between 0 and 99999999. The response will be in JSON format and will include the generated number and the specified limit.
This program demonstrates the use of FastAPI for building web APIs and how to make HTTP requests to its endpoints using tools like Postman for testing." This Python script uses the requests library to send an HTTP GET request to a locally running FastAPI server at ""
The FastAPI server, as defined in the code you provided, has an endpoint named /random/{limit}.
In response to the request, the FastAPI server generates a random integer between 0 and 99999999, where "99999999" is the specified limit in the URL.
After receiving the response from the server, the script parses the JSON content and prints it to the console.
This allows you to see the randomly generated number along with the specified limit in the form of a Python dictionary.
Essentially, this code demonstrates how to interact with a FastAPI server, request a random number, and handle the server's response.