Pastas is an open source Python framework to analyse hydro(geo)logical time series. The Pastas organisation contains multiple repositories:
- Pastas is the main python package for processing, simulating and analyzing groundwater time series. Time series models can be created, calibrated, and analysed with just a few lines of python code with the built-in optimization, visualisation, and statistical analysis tools.
- PastaStore is a module that stores Pastas time series and models in a database. Storing time series and models in a database allows the user to manage and save Pastas models on disk. Additionally, PastaStore has a lot of tools to plot time series spatially.
- PastasDash is a dashboard for interactively viewing head time series and Pastas models.
- Pastas-Plugins is a repository containing plugins to further enhance Pastas' workflow and options.
- Metran can perform multivariate timeseries analysis using a technique called dynamic factor modelling. It can be used to describe the variation among many variables in terms of a few underlying but unobserved variables called factors.
- Pastas-Data is the repository where we store published datasets for quick access through Pastas.