This project demonstrates deploying a multi-node Kubernetes cluster using KIND (Kubernetes in Docker) with integrated Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring.
- Install KIND
- Create KIND Cluster
- Install Kubectl
- Clone and Deploy the Voting App
- Set Up Argo CD
- Install Kubernetes Dashboard
- Install HELM and Prometheus Stack
- Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
[ $(uname -m) = aarch64 ] && curl -Lo ./kind
chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/kind
Define your cluster configuration in config.yaml
# A cluster with 3 control-plane nodes and 3 workers
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- role: control-plane
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker
Create the cluster:
kind create cluster --config=config.yaml
Check cluster info and nodes:
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind
kubectl get nodes
kind get clusters
curl -O
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
kubectl version --short --client
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd Pet-Voting/
Apply Kubernetes specifications:
kubectl apply -f k8s-specifications/
kubectl get all
Port-forward the services:
kubectl port-forward service/vote 5000:5000 --address= > /dev/null 2>&1 &
kubectl port-forward service/result 5001:5001 --address= > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Create a namespace for Argo CD:
kubectl create namespace argocd
Install Argo CD:
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
Check Argo CD services:
kubectl get svc -n argocd
Expose Argo CD server using NodePort:
kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "NodePort"}}'
Forward ports to access Argo CD:
kubectl port-forward -n argocd service/argocd-server 8443:443 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Retrieve the Argo CD admin password:
kubectl get secret -n argocd argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d && echo
Deploy Kubernetes dashboard:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f sa.yaml
Create a token for dashboard access:
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user
Install HELM:
curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700
Add HELM repositories:
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo add stable
helm repo update
Create a namespace for monitoring:
kubectl create namespace monitoring
Install Prometheus and Grafana:
helm install kind-prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring \
--set prometheus.service.nodePort=30000 \
--set prometheus.service.type=NodePort \
--set grafana.service.nodePort=31000 \
--set grafana.service.type=NodePort \
--set alertmanager.service.nodePort=32000 \
--set alertmanager.service.type=NodePort \
--set prometheus-node-exporter.service.nodePort=32001 \
--set prometheus-node-exporter.service.type=NodePort
Check services in the monitoring namespace:
kubectl get svc -n monitoring
Port-forward Prometheus:
kubectl port-forward svc/kind-prometheus-kube-prome-prometheus -n monitoring 9090:9090 --address= > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Port-forward Grafana:
kubectl port-forward svc/kind-prometheus-grafana -n monitoring 31000:80 --address= > /dev/null 2>&1 &
This setup will provide you with a local Kubernetes cluster using KIND, along with monitoring via Prometheus and Grafana, and automation via Argo CD.