#Anaplan Formula Helper
The Anaplan Formula Helper is a Chrome Extension to make writing formulas easier in Anaplan. It is built with JavaScript and jQuery.
Download it here.
Add and update functions through this Google Spreadsheet.
###Main Functionality:
- View details about an open function while you're writing it.
- Understand what parameter you're currently typing out.
- Ability to close tooltip when you don't need it.
- Easily add and manage functions through a Google Spreadsheet. (see above)
###Coming soon:
- Autocomplete/suggested functions.
- Move helper around on the page.
###Behind the Scenes:
- Uses Regex to find open function.
- Analyzes open formulas using text algorithm.
- Dynamically updates when formula editor changes in the DOM.
- Uses Google Sheets API to get function data as JSON and converts to JS Object.