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Default VM to k3s with embedded nix-snapshotter
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elpdt852 committed Feb 14, 2024
1 parent 8352a7f commit 3de51b9
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Showing 12 changed files with 831 additions and 207 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions modules/flake/k3s/1_27/chart-versions.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
traefik-crd = {
url = "";
sha256 = "05j3vyikb7g2z2i07rij9h4ki5lb2hb2rynpiqfd4l1y5qm0qhw9";
traefik = {
url = "";
sha256 = "0gvz0yzph2893scd0q10b938yc7f36b3zqs57pkjgqqpl1d0nwhg";
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions modules/flake/k3s/1_27/versions.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
k3sVersion = "1.27.6+k3s1";
k3sCommit = "bd04941a294793ec92e8703d5e5da14107902e88";
k3sRepoSha256 = "04chr8gp0yprihigy1yzhvi2baby053fav384gq0sjq6bkp3fzd8";
# k3sVendorHash = "sha256-LH9OsBK0Pq/NGEHprbIgYKQsslYdR3i4LYVvo5P0K+8=";
# Modified hash for ../../patches/k3s-nix-snapshotter patch
k3sVendorHash = "sha256-ryEnRrmV7xkpPIj55N10tz0+eMPHW62IRfmBIh9IbBw=";
chartVersions = import ./chart-versions.nix;
k3sRootVersion = "0.12.2";
k3sRootSha256 = "1gjynvr350qni5mskgm7pcc7alss4gms4jmkiv453vs8mmma9c9k";
k3sCNIVersion = "1.3.0-k3s1";
k3sCNISha256 = "0zma9g4wvdnhs9igs03xlx15bk2nq56j73zns9xgqmfiixd9c9av";
containerdVersion = "1.7.6-k3s1.27";
containerdSha256 = "1kzjqw56pcdpsqdkw2k5a3pnpf8n93dh4jc2yybgqz3nyj4fw0a8";
criCtlVersion = "1.26.0-rc.0-k3s1";
358 changes: 358 additions & 0 deletions modules/flake/k3s/builder.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
# git tag
# commit hash
k3sRepoSha256 ? lib.fakeHash,
k3sVendorHash ? lib.fakeHash,
# taken from ./scripts/ VERSION_ROOT
k3sRootSha256 ? lib.fakeHash,
# Based on the traefik charts here:
# see also
# taken from ./scripts/ VERSION_CNIPLUGINS
k3sCNISha256 ? lib.fakeHash,
# taken from ./scripts/ VERSION_CONTAINERD
containerdSha256 ? lib.fakeHash,
# run `grep go.mod | head -n1 | awk '{print $4}'` in the k3s repo at the tag
updateScript ? null,

# builder.nix contains a "builder" expression that, given k3s version and hash
# variables, creates a package for that version.
# Due to variance in k3s's build process, this builder only works for k3s 1.26+
# currently.
# It is likely we will have to split out additional builders for additional
# versions in the future, or customize this one further.
{ lib
, makeWrapper
, socat
, iptables
, iproute2
, ipset
, bridge-utils
, btrfs-progs
, conntrack-tools
, buildGoModule
, runc
, rsync
, kmod
, libseccomp
, pkg-config
, ethtool
, util-linux
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchurl
, fetchzip
, fetchgit
, zstd
, yq-go
, sqlite
, nixosTests
, pkgsBuildBuild

# k3s is a kinda weird derivation. One of the main points of k3s is the
# simplicity of it being one binary that can perform several tasks.
# However, when you have a good package manager (like nix), that doesn't
# actually make much of a difference; you don't really care if it's one binary
# or 10 since with a good package manager, installing and running it is
# identical.
# Since upstream k3s packages itself as one large binary with several
# "personalities" (in the form of subcommands like 'k3s agent' and 'k3s
# kubectl'), it ends up being easiest to mostly mimic upstream packaging, with
# some exceptions.
# K3s also carries patches to some packages (such as containerd and cni
# plugins), so we intentionally use the k3s versions of those binaries for k3s,
# even if the upstream version of those binaries exist in nixpkgs already. In
# the end, that means we have a thick k3s binary that behaves like the upstream
# one for the most part.
# However, k3s also bundles several pieces of unpatched software, from the
# strongswan vpn software, to iptables, to socat, conntrack, busybox, etc.
# Those pieces of software we entirely ignore upstream's handling of, and just
# make sure they're in the path if desired.

baseMeta = with lib; {
description = "A lightweight Kubernetes distribution";
license = licenses.asl20;
homepage = "";
maintainers = with maintainers; [ euank mic92 yajo ];
platforms = platforms.linux;

# resolves collisions with other installations of kubectl, crictl, ctr
# prefer non-k3s versions
priority = 5;

versionldflags = [
"-X${lib.substring 0 8 k3sCommit}"

# bundled into the k3s binary
traefikChart = fetchurl chartVersions.traefik;
traefik-crdChart = fetchurl chartVersions.traefik-crd;

# so, k3s is a complicated thing to package
# This derivation attempts to avoid including any random binaries from the
# internet. k3s-root is _mostly_ binaries built to be bundled in k3s (which
# we don't care about doing, we can add those as build or runtime
# dependencies using a real package manager).
# In addition to those binaries, it's also configuration though (right now
# mostly strongswan configuration), and k3s does use those files.
# As such, we download it in order to grab 'etc' and bundle it into the final
# k3s binary.
k3sRoot = fetchzip {
# Note: marked as apache 2.0 license
url = "${k3sRootVersion}/k3s-root-amd64.tar";
sha256 = k3sRootSha256;
stripRoot = false;
k3sCNIPlugins = buildGoModule rec {
pname = "k3s-cni-plugins";
version = k3sCNIVersion;
vendorHash = null;

subPackages = [ "." ];

src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "rancher";
repo = "plugins";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = k3sCNISha256;

postInstall = ''
mv $out/bin/plugins $out/bin/cni

meta = baseMeta // {
description = "CNI plugins, as patched by rancher for k3s";
# Grab this separately from a build because it's used by both stages of the
# k3s build.
k3sRepo = fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "v${k3sVersion}";
sha256 = k3sRepoSha256;
# Stage 1 of the k3s build:
# Let's talk about how k3s is structured.
# One of the ideas of k3s is that there's the single "k3s" binary which can
# do everything you need, from running a k3s server, to being a worker node,
# to running kubectl.
# The way that actually works is that k3s is a single go binary that contains
# a bunch of bindata that it unpacks at runtime into directories (either the
# user's home directory or /var/lib/rancher if run as root).
# This bindata includes both binaries and configuration.
# In order to let nixpkgs do all its autostripping/patching/etc, we split this into two derivations.
# First, we build all the binaries that get packed into the thick k3s binary
# (and output them from one derivation so they'll all be suitably patched up).
# Then, we bundle those binaries into our thick k3s binary and use that as
# the final single output.
# This approach was chosen because it ensures the bundled binaries all are
# correctly built to run with nix (we can lean on the existing buildGoModule
# stuff), and we can again lean on that tooling for the final k3s binary too.
# Other alternatives would be to manually run the
# strip/patchelf/remove-references step ourselves in the installPhase of the
# derivation when we've built all the binaries, but haven't bundled them in
# with generated bindata yet.

k3sServer = buildGoModule {
pname = "k3s-server";
version = k3sVersion;

src = k3sRepo;
vendorHash = k3sVendorHash;

patches = [ ../patches/k3s-nix-snapshotter.patch ];

nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ];
buildInputs = [ libseccomp ];

subPackages = [ "cmd/server" ];
ldflags = versionldflags;

tags = [ "ctrd" "libsqlite3" "linux" ];

# create the multicall symlinks for k3s
postInstall = ''
mv $out/bin/server $out/bin/k3s
pushd $out
# taken verbatim from
ln -s k3s ./bin/containerd
ln -s k3s ./bin/crictl
ln -s k3s ./bin/ctr
ln -s k3s ./bin/k3s-agent
ln -s k3s ./bin/k3s-certificate
ln -s k3s ./bin/k3s-completion
ln -s k3s ./bin/k3s-etcd-snapshot
ln -s k3s ./bin/k3s-secrets-encrypt
ln -s k3s ./bin/k3s-server
ln -s k3s ./bin/k3s-token
ln -s k3s ./bin/kubectl

meta = baseMeta // {
description = "The various binaries that get packaged into the final k3s binary";
# Only used for the shim since
k3sContainerd = buildGoModule {
pname = "k3s-containerd";
version = containerdVersion;
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "k3s-io";
repo = "containerd";
rev = "v${containerdVersion}";
sha256 = containerdSha256;
vendorHash = null;
buildInputs = [ btrfs-progs ];
subPackages = [ "cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2" ];
ldflags = versionldflags;
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "k3s";
version = k3sVersion;

tags = [ "libsqlite3" "linux" "ctrd" ];
src = k3sRepo;
vendorHash = k3sVendorHash;

patches = [ ../patches/k3s-nix-snapshotter.patch ];

postPatch = ''
# Nix prefers dynamically linked binaries over static binary.
substituteInPlace scripts/package-cli \
--replace '"$LDFLAGS $STATIC" -o' \
'"$LDFLAGS" -o' \
--replace "STATIC=\"-extldflags \'-static\'\"" \
# Upstream codegen fails with trimpath set. Removes "trimpath" for 'go generate':
substituteInPlace scripts/package-cli \
--replace '"''${GO}" generate' \
GOOS="${pkgsBuildBuild.go.GOOS}" \
GOARCH="${pkgsBuildBuild.go.GOARCH}" \
CC="${}/bin/cc" \
"''${GO}" generate'

# Important utilities used by the kubelet, see
# Note the list in that issue is stale and some aren't relevant for k3s.
k3sRuntimeDeps = [
util-linux # kubelet wants 'nsenter' from util-linux:

buildInputs = k3sRuntimeDeps;

nativeBuildInputs = [

# embedded in the final k3s cli
propagatedBuildInputs = [

# We override most of buildPhase due to peculiarities in k3s's build.
# Specifically, it has a 'go generate' which runs part of the package. See
# this comment:
# So, why do we use buildGoModule at all? For the `vendorHash` / `go mod download` stuff primarily.
buildPhase = ''
patchShebangs ./scripts/package-cli ./scripts/download ./scripts/build-upload
# copy needed 'go generate' inputs into place
mkdir -p ./bin/aux
rsync -a --no-perms ${k3sServer}/bin/ ./bin/
ln -vsf ${k3sCNIPlugins}/bin/cni ./bin/cni
ln -vsf ${k3sContainerd}/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2 ./bin
rsync -a --no-perms --chmod u=rwX ${k3sRoot}/etc/ ./etc/
mkdir -p ./build/static/charts
cp ${traefikChart} ./build/static/charts
cp ${traefik-crdChart} ./build/static/charts
export DRONE_TAG="v${k3sVersion}"
export DRONE_COMMIT="${k3sCommit}"
# use ./scripts/package-cli to run 'go generate' + 'go build'
mkdir -p $out/bin

# Otherwise it depends on 'getGoDirs', which is normally set in buildPhase
doCheck = false;

installPhase = ''
# wildcard to match the arm64 build too
install -m 0755 dist/artifacts/k3s* -D $out/bin/k3s
wrapProgram $out/bin/k3s \
--prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath k3sRuntimeDeps} \
--prefix PATH : "$out/bin"
ln -s $out/bin/k3s $out/bin/kubectl
ln -s $out/bin/k3s $out/bin/crictl
ln -s $out/bin/k3s $out/bin/ctr

doInstallCheck = true;
installCheckPhase = ''
$out/bin/k3s --version | grep -F "v${k3sVersion}" >/dev/null

passthru.updateScript = updateScript;

passthru.mkTests = version:
let k3s_version = "k3s_" + lib.replaceStrings ["."] ["_"] (lib.versions.majorMinor version);
in {
single-node = nixosTests.k3s.single-node.${k3s_version};
multi-node = nixosTests.k3s.multi-node.${k3s_version};
passthru.tests = passthru.mkTests k3sVersion;

meta = baseMeta;

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