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Updates AboutSelectObject (vexx32#247)
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* Adds new examples

* Fixes single line comments

* Fixes comments. Updates PSCustomObject note.

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* Fixes syntax

* Fixes placeholder size
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indented-automation authored and vexx32 committed Sep 15, 2019
1 parent 89632fb commit 1bb9e9d
Showing 1 changed file with 256 additions and 29 deletions.
285 changes: 256 additions & 29 deletions PSKoans/Koans/Cmdlets 1/AboutSelectObject.Koans.ps1
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Expand Up @@ -4,69 +4,296 @@ param()
Select-Object is a utility cmdlet that is used to 'trim' objects down to just
the selected properties. It is particularly useful to get custom displays
of data, and is capable of adding new properties as well.
Select-Object is a utility cmdlet which serves a number of different purposes.
* Select or skip a fixed number of objects from a pipeline
* Select unique objects from an array or collection
* Select individual properties from an object
* Create a new object with additional, custom, properties
Describe 'Select-Object' {
It 'can select specific properties from an object' {
Select-Object can accept an array of property names and creates a
new custom object using those properties.

It 'selects specific properties of an object' {
$File = New-TemporaryFile
"Hello" | Set-Content -Path $File.FullName
$File = Get-Item -Path $File.FullName
$Selected = Get-Proces -Id $PID | Select-Object Name, ID, Path

$Selected = $File | Select-Object -Property Name, Length
$Selected.PSObject.Properties.Name | Should -Be @('Name', '__')
@('____', '____', 'Path') | Should -Be $Selected.PSObject.Properties.Name

__ | Should -Be $Selected.Length
$Selected.____ | Should -Be $PID

It 'can exclude specific properties from an object' {
$File = New-TemporaryFile
Individual properties can be excluded from a selection.
Both the Property and ExcludeProperty parameters support wildcards.

$Folder = Get-Item -Path $PSHome

'__' | Should -Be $File.Attributes
'____' | Should -Be $Folder.Attributes

$Object = $File | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Attributes, Length
$Selected = $Folder | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Attributes

$Object.Attributes | Should -Be $null
__ | Should -Be $Object.Length
$Selected.Attributes | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

It 'changes the object type' {
$FileObject = Get-Item -Path $home
When properties are selected from an object a new custom object is created.
The new object is also tagged with a PSTypeName derived from the original type name.

$Folder = Get-Item -Path $PSHome

$FileObject | Should -BeOfType __
$Selected.GetType().FullName | Should -BeOfType [System.IO.Directoryinfo]

$Object = $FileObject | Select-Object -Property FullName, Name, DirectoryName
$Object | Should -BeOfType __
'System.IO.Directoryinfo' | Should -BeIn $Folder.PSTypeNames

# The new selected object is an instance of [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject].

$Selected = $Folder | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty Attributes

$Selected | Should -BeOfType [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]

'____' | Should -BeIn $Selected.PSTypeNames

It 'can retrieve just the contents or value of a property' {
$FileObject = Get-Item -Path $home
# Individual properties can be expanded, retrieving the just a value.

$PropertyToExpand = '____'

$FileName = $FileObject | Select-Object -ExpandProperty __ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Value = Get-Item -Path $PSHome | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $PropertyToExpand

$FileName | Should -Be $FileObject.Name
$Value | Should -Be 'Directory'

It 'can merge the properties of a nested object with properties from the parent' {
The ExpandProperty parameter can be used to "move" the properties of a nested
property up to a new parent object.

$PowerShellExe = Get-Process -Id $PID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path | Get-Item

$Selected = $PowerShellExe | Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty VersionInfo

# The resulting object will contain all of the properties found under VersionInfo.

$Selected.____ | Should -Be $PowerShellExe.FullName

It 'can pick specific numbers of objects' {
$Array = 1..100
$Array = 1..100 -as [string[]]

$FirstThreeValues = $Array | Select-Object -First 3
__ | Should -Be $FirstThreeValues
@('__', '__', '__') | Should -Be $FirstThreeValues

$LastFourValues = $Array | Select-Object -Last 4
__ | Should -Be $LastFourValues
@('__', '__', '__', '__') | Should -Be $LastFourValues

$Values = $Array | Select-Object -Skip 10 -First 5
__ | Should -Be $Values
@('__', '__', '__', '__', '__') | Should -Be $Values

# SkipLast cannot be used alongside the Last, First, and Skip parameters.

$Values = $Array | Select-Object -SkipLast 95
@('__', '__', '__', '__', '__') | Should -Be $Values

It 'can ignore duplicate objects' {
$Array = 6, 1, 4, 8, 7, 5, 3, 9, 2, 3, 2, 1, 5, 1, 6, 2, 8, 4,
7, 3, 1, 2, 6, 3, 7, 1, 4, 5, 2, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5, 1, 4
# Select-Object can be used to create a unique list.

$Array = '6', '1', '4', '8', '7', '5', '3', '9', '2', '3', '2', '1', '5', '1', '6',
'2', '8', '4', '7', '3', '1', '2', '6', '3', '7', '1', '4', '5', '2', '1', '3',
'6', '2', '5', '1', '4'

$UniqueItems = $Array | Select-Object -Unique
6, '__', 4, 8, '__', '__', 3, '__', 2 | Should -Be $UniqueItems
@('6', '__', '4', '8', '__', '__', '3', '__', '2') | Should -Be $UniqueItems

It 'can ignore duplicate complex objects' {
Unique works on some more complex objects.
Ideally objects should be directly comparable, although this is
rare outside of Strings, numeric types, enumeration types, and other value types.
Select-Object falls back on the ToString method of an object.

$Processes = @(
Get-Process -Id $PID
Get-Process -Id $PID

__ | Should -Be $Processes.Count

$UniqueProcesses = $processes | Select-Object -Unique

__ | Should -Be $UniqueProcesses.Count

As Process objects are not directly comparable, they are made unique by comparing a
string representation of the process.
The string to compare is created as shown below:
$object = Get-Process -Id $PID
For PSCustomObjects the conversion to string is slightly different:
$object = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = 'one'}
This value includes the name of the process, but not the
If several processes of the name name are running these
will be removed by the Unique parameter.
If the Property parameter is used, Unique is evaluated after creating a new
custom object.

It 'maintains the original object type when the Property parameter is not used' {
# When the Property parameter is used, a new object

$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSHome -File

$SelectedFile = $Files | Select-Object -First 1

'____' | Should -Be $SelectedFile.GetType().FullName

It 'supports custom, or calculated, properties' {
The property parameter can read a hashtable which describes a property.
The hashtable requires a Name, and Expression to calculate a value for the property.
The Expression is most often a script block, a short script enclosed in curly braces.
The variable $_, or $PSItem, is used to refer to the object from the pipeline within the
Exrpression. Properties may be used even if they are not selected.

$Selected = Get-Process -Id $PID | Select-Object @(
@{ Name = 'RunningTime'; Expression = { (Get-Date) - $_.StartTime } }

$Selected.____ | Should -BeGreaterThan 0

Custom properties are often used to merge information from multiple sources into
a single object.

$Selected = Get-Process -Id $PID | Select-Object @(
@{ Name = 'RunningTime'; Expression = { (Get-Date) - $_.StartTime } }
@{ Name = 'Size'; Expression = { (Get-Item $_.Path).Length } }

It 'does not need a script block when renaming a property' {
When renaming a property, a string with the existing property name can be used in place of the
script block.

$Process = Get-Process -Id $PID
$Selected = $Process | Select-Object @(
@{ Name = 'ProcessId'; Expression = 'Id' }

$Selected.____ | Should -Be $Process.Id

It 'allows Label to be used instead of Name' {
$Process = Get-Process -Id $PID
$Selected = $Process | Select-Object @(
@{ Label = 'ProcessId'; Expression = 'Id' }

$Selected.____ | Should -Be $Process.Id

It 'supports abbreviated names in a calculated property' {
Select-Object supports shorthand for the keys in the hashtable.
* Name can be abbreviated to n
* Label can be abbreviated to l
* Expression can be abbreviated to e
Properties are calculated when Select-Object runs, they are not updated or recalculated later.

$Selected = Get-Process -Id $PID | Select-Object @(
@{ n = 'Size'; e = { (Get-Item $_.Path).Length } }

$Selected.____ | Should -BeOfType [TimeSpan]

It 'From Select-Object to PSCustomObject' {
As mentioned above, the Select-Object command creates instances of the
System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject type.
Select-Object can be used to create an object from scratch. The
technique below was widely used before PowerShell 2 was released.

$customObject = '' | Select-Object -Property @(
@{ Name = 'Property1'; Expression = { 'Value1' } }
@{ Name = 'Property2'; Expression = { 'Value2' } }

$customObject | Should -BeOfType [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]

# The approach above was replaced with New-Object with the release of PowerShell 2.

$customObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Property1 = 'Value1'
Property2 = 'Value2'

$customObject | Should -BeOfType [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]

The [PSCustomObject] type accelerator was made available with PowerShell 3. It provides
a neater way of creating objects from scratch, replacing both of the methods above.
Select-Object is still widely used when creating a new object from another object.

$customObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
Property1 = 'Value1'
Property2 = 'Value2'

$customObject | Should -BeOfType [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]

Despite the similar naming, the PSCustomObject type accelerator is shorthand for
System.Management.Automation.PSObject. It is named as it is because it creates a custom object.

[PSCustomObject] | Should -Be [System.Management.Automation.PSObject]

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