WordPress Change Domain Script 🔄
A bash script to change WordPress domain names safely and efficiently across your database.
- Author 👨💻
- Percio Andrade
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: Zendev : https://zendev.com.br
- Automatic WordPress database credential detection 🔍
- Optional database backup creation 💾
- Multi-table domain updates 🔄
- HTTP/HTTPS URL handling 🔒
- Remote version checking 🔄
- MySQL/MariaDB client 🗄️
- WordPress installation with wp-config.php ⚙️
- Database credentials with UPDATE privileges 🔑
./change_domain.sh [-s|--skip] [-n|--noversion]
Skip version check against remote source-s
Skip database backup creation-h
Display help message
# Skip database backup
./change_domain.sh --skip
# Skip version check
./change_domain.sh --noversion
# Show help
./change_domain.sh --help
- wp_options (siteurl and home)
- wp_posts (guid and post_content)
- wp_postmeta (meta_value)
- Creates database backup before changes
- Confirms domain changes with user
- Validates database credentials
- Handles both HTTP and HTTPS URLs
- Ensure you have the necessary permissions to run the script as root.
- Make sure all required commands are installed on your system.
- Always backup your database before running
- Ensure proper database permissions
- Run from WordPress root directory
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0