Tinklj a Clojure api for Google Tink cryptographic library, offering simplistic and secure cryptography for Clojure.
[tinklj "0.1.15-SNAPSHOT"]
tinklj {:mvn/version "0.1.15-SNAPSHOT"}
compile 'tinklj:tinklj:0.1.15-SNAPSHOT'
The best way to find example use cases for the encryption techniques is to check the Acceptance Tests.
First we need to call register to register the encryption techniques. If you want to use all implementations of all primitives in tinklj then you call as follows:
(:require [tinklj.config :refer [register])
If you wish to use a specific implementation such as AEAD you use:
(:require [tinklj.config :refer [register])
(register :aead)
Available options are:
To do custom initialization then registration proceeds directly with a Registry class.
(:require [tinklj.config :refer [register-key-manager])
(register-key-manager (MyAeadKeyManager.)
Below shows how you can generate a keyset containing a randomly generated AES128-GCM specified.
(:require [tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset-handles])
(keyset-handles/generate-new :aes128-gcm)
Once you have generated the keyset you can store it down for future use. Cleartext and encrypted keysets can be stored. Obviously encrypted is recommended.
(:require [tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset-handles]
[tinklj.keysets.keyset-storage :as keyset-storage])
(def filename "my_keyset.json")
(def keyset-handle (keyset-handles/generate-new :aes128-gcm)
(keyset-storage/write-clear-text-keyset-handle keyset-handle filename)
Tinklj supports encrypting keysets with master keys stored in a remote key management systems. Lets see how to write these remote KMS keys.
(:require [tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset-handles]
[tinklj.keysets.keyset-storage :as keyset-storage]
[tinklj.keysets.integration.gcp-kms-client :refer [gcp-kms-client])
;; Generate the key material...
(def keyset-handle (keyset-handles/generate-new :aes128-gcm)
;; and write it to a file...
(def filename "my_keyset.json")
;; encrypted with the this key in GCP KMS
(def master-key-uri = "gcp-kms://projects/tinklj-examples/locations/global/keyRings/foo/cryptoKeys/bar")
(def kms-client (gcp-kms-client))
Once the keyset is stored it can be reloaded as follows:
(:require [tinklj.keysets.keyset-storage :as keyset-storage])
(keyset-storage/load-clear-text-keyset-handle filename)
Loading remote encrypted keys:
(:require [tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset-handles]
[tinklj.keysets.keyset-storage :as keyset-storage]
[tinklj.keysets.integration.gcp-kms-client :refer [gcp-kms-client])
(def filename "my_keyset.json")
;; encrypted with the this key in GCP KMS
(def master-key-uri = "gcp-kms://projects/tinklj-examples/locations/global/keyRings/foo/cryptoKeys/bar")
(def kms-client (gcp-kms-client))
We then get the primitive of the keyset-handle and can use this to encrypt and decypt.
(keyset-handles/get-primitive keyset-handle)
(:require [tinklj.encryption.aead :refer [encrypt decrypt]
[tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset-handle]
[tinklj.primitives :as primitives])
;; 1. Generate the key material.
(def keyset-handle (keyset-handle/generate-new :aes128-gcm))
;; 2. Get the primitive.
(def aead (primitives/aead keyset-handle))
;; 3. Use the primitive to encrypt a plaintext,
(def ciphertext (encrypt aead (.getBytes data-to-encrypt) aad))
;; ... or to decrypt a ciphertext.
(def decrypted (decrypt aead ciphertext aad))
(:require [tinklj.encryption.daead :refer [encrypt decrypt]
[tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset-handle]
[tinklj.primitives :as primitives])
;; 1. Generate the key material.
(def keyset-handle (keyset-handle/generate-new :aes256-siv))
;; 2. Get the primitive.
(def daead (primitives/deterministic keyset-handle))
;; 3. Use the primitive to deterministically encrypt a plaintext,
(def ciphertext (encrypt daead (.getBytes data-to-encrypt) aad))
;; ... or to deterministically decrypt a ciphertext.
(def decrypted (decrypt daead ciphertext aad))
;; 1. Generate the key material.
(def keyset-handle (keyset-handles/generate-new :aes128-ctr-hmac-sha256-4kb))
;; 2. Get the primitive.
(def streaming-primitive (primitives/streaming keyset-handle))
;; 3. Get the Encrypting Channel
(def encrypting-channel (streaming/encrypting-channel
;; 4. Write Encrypting Data
(streaming/encrypting-channel-write encrypting-channel byte-buffer)
;; 5. Get the Decrypting Channel
(def decrypting-channel (streaming/decrypting-channel
(.getChannel file-input-stream)
;; 6. Read the Decrypted Data
(streaming/decrypting-channel-read decrypting-channel buf)
How to compute or verify a MAC (Message Authentication Code)
(:require [tinklj.primitives :as primitives]
[tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset-handles]
[tinklj.mac.message-authentication-code :as mac])
;; 1. Generate the key material.
(def keyset-handle (keyset-handles/generate-new :hmac-sha256-128bittag))
;; 2. Get the primitive.
(def mac-primitive (primitives/mac keyset-handle))
;; 3. Use the primitive to compute a tag,
(mac/compute mac-primitive data)
;; ... or to verify a tag.
(mac/verify mac-primitive tag data)
Here is an example of how to sign or verify a digital signature:
(:require [tinklj.primitives :as primitives]
[tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset-handles]
[tinklj.signature.digital-signature :refer [sign verify])
;; 1. Generate the private key material.
(def private-keyset-handle (keyset-handles/generate-new :ecdsa-p256))
;; 2. Sign the data.
(def signature (sign private-keyset-handle data)
;; 1. Obtain a handle for the public key material.
(def public-key-set-handle (get-public-keyset-handle private-keyset-handle))
;; 2. Use the primitive to verify.
(verify public-key-set-handle
To encrypt or decrypt using a combination of public key encryption and symmetric key encryption one can use the following:
(:require [tinklj.config :refer [register]]
[tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset]
[tinklj.primitives :as primitives]
[tinklj.encryption.aead :refer [encrypt decrypt]])
;; 1. Generate the private key material.
(def private-keyset-handle (keyset/generate-new :ecies-p256-hkdf-hmac-sha256-aes128-gcm))
;; Obtain the public key material.
(def public-keyset-handle (keyset/get-public-keyset-handle private-keyset-handle))
;; 2. Get the primitive.
(def hybrid-encrypt (primitives/hybrid-encryption public-keyset-handle))
;; 3. Use the primitive.
(def encrypted-data (encrypt hybrid-encrypt
(.getBytes plain-text)
;; 2. Get the primitive.
(def hybrid-decrypt (primitives/hybrid-decryption private-keyset-handle))
;; 3. Use the primitive.
(def decrypted-data (decrypt hybrid-decrypt
(:require [tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset]
[tinklj.primitives :as primitives]
[tinklj.encryption.aead :refer [encrypt]]
[tinklj.keysets.integration.kms-client :as client]
[tinklj.keysets.integration.gcp-kms-client :refer [gcp-kms-client])
;; 1. Generate the key material.
(def kmsKeyUri
(def keysetHandle (keyset/generate-new
(keyset/create-kms-envelope-aead-key-template kmsKeyUri :aes128-gcm)))
;; 2. Register the KMS client.
(def gcp-client (gcp-kms-client))
(client/with-credentials gcp-client "credentials.json")
(client/kms-client-add gcp-client)
;; 3. Get the primitive.
(def aead (primitives/aead keyset-handle))
;; 4. Use the primitive.
(def ciphertext (encrypt aead (.getBytes data-to-encrypt) aad))
To complete key rotation you need a keyset-handle that contains the keyset that should be rotated, and a specification of the new key via the KeyTemplate map for example :aes128-gcm.
(:require [tinklj.keys.keyset-handle :as keyset-handles]
[tinklj.keysets.keyset-storage :as keyset-storage])
(def keyset-handle (keyset-handles/generate-new :aes128-gcm)) ;; existing keyset
(def keyset-template (:hmac-sha256-128bittag keyset-handles/key-templates)) ;; template for the new key
(keyset-storage/rotate-keyset-handle keyset-handle keyset-template)
- If you are running a version of java 8 below
you will need to download the (Java Cryptography Extension)[http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce8-download-2133166.html] - If you are using a version of the JVM before
you will need to set(Security/setProperty "crypto.policy" "unlimited")
- Above Java 8 Update 161 the default encryption strength is unlimited by default
See (this stack overflow question for more)[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24907530/java-security-invalidkeyexception-illegal-key-size-or-default-parameters-in-and]
Based on the available feature list defined here
- Generation of keysets
- Symmetric key encryption
- Storing keysets
- Loading existing keysets
- Storing and loading encrypted keysets
- Deterministic symmetric key encryption
- Streaming symmetric key encryption
- MAC codes
- Digital signatures
- Hybrid encryption
- Envelope encryption
- Key rotation
Please feel free to pick up and issue or create issues and contribute.
Thanks to all the developers involved!
Matt @lamp
Chris @minimal
Stuart @perkss
Thanks and credit for the great Tinklj logo!
J.G Designer @newfinal100
This is not an official Google product or library.