참고 주소
127, 36 을 변환했을 경우
- 4301 사용
4301 - 127.00212028267785 36.99719767389052
+proj=longlat +ellps=bessel +towgs84=-146.43,507.89,681.46 +no_defs
- 4162 - 127.00209674840482 36.99713839323191
Bessel 1841 경위도: 한국과 일본에 잘 맞는 지역타원체를 사용한 좌표계
EPSG:4004, EPSG:4162 (Korean 1985)
+proj=longlat +ellps=bessel +no_defs +towgs84=-115.80,474.99,674.11,1.16,-2.31,-1.63,6.43
7 param - 127.0020969444444444447 36.99713805555556
(deltaX = -145.907, deltaY = 505.034, deltaZ = 685.756 Rx = -1.162, Ry = 2.347, Rz = 1.592, ppm = 6.342)
3 param - 127.0021180555555555558 36.9971525
(X=-147±2, Y=+506±2, Z=+687±2)
WGS84 to Katec : 서울시청 : 126.978546 , 37.566554 => 309961.24970373325 , 552080.8406381792
Katec to WGS84 : 서울시청 : 309961.24970373325 , 552080.8406381792 => 126.97854561633538 , 37.566554547920305
WGS84 to Katec : 서울시청 : 126.97854561633538 , 37.566554547920305 => 309961.2164706504 , 552080.901816637
WGS84 to Katec : 127,36 : 127.0 , 36.0 => 310039.78705361905 , 378221.7461603807
Katec to WGS84 : 127,36 : 310039.78705361905 , 378221.7461603807 => 126.9999996290888 , 36.00000058315733
WGS84 to Katec : 127,36 : 126.9999996290888 , 36.00000058315733 => 310039.75427602354 , 378221.81120746024