- Dcard Backend Intern Homework 2024
- Benchmark Result
- Short Description
- Overview
- Implementation Practice
- Fields and Validation Criteria
- Testing
- Misc
- Local: QPS:
- K6 Load Test
- The bottleneck is at the
router, If the router engine has unlimited QPS, the QPS would be up to800000/s
- gin performance
A infinite scalable advertisement management system, baked with replicated advertisement business state machine, replicated log system, and fault recovery mechanism. Guaranteed the consistency and durability of the advertisement operation.
When I saw the requirements for this topic, I was wondering if a QPS (Queries Per Second) > 10,000 could be solved simply using a single Redis instance. So, I started thinking about this problem and came up with a more interesting solution. This solution involves using an in-memory database to address the issue, along with a Redis stream for handling log ordering, and PostgreSQL for persistence. As it's a local in-memory database, the read operations can be infinitely scaled using solutions like Kubernetes Deployment or docker compose --scale
. However, write operations are still limited by the speed of max(redis, postgres)
, however, we can choose NoSQL database to achieve the higher write speed, and use Kafka to handle the log ordering and log replication as redis stream alternative(better consistency and durability). In my implementation, I've made every effort to ensure the system is fault-tolerant and consistent. If anyone notices any cases I haven't considered or areas that could be optimized, please feel free to point them out. Thank you!
The main components in my system design idea have five parts, which can correspond to the Servers
in the above figure respectively.
flowchart TD
Request[R/W Request] -->|Load Balance| Instances[Dispatcher]
subgraph Instances["Instances"]
subgraph Instance1["API Instance 1"]
SM1[State Machine]
D1[Dispatcher] -.-> SM1
subgraph Instance2["API Instance 2"]
SM2[State Machine]
D2[Dispatcher] -.-> SM2
subgraph Instance3["API Instance 3"]
SM3[State Machine]
D3[Dispatcher] -.-> SM3
Scheduler["Asynq Scheduler"] -.->|Delete\nLog| Instances
Instances -.->|Schedule Delete\nat Ad End Time| Scheduler
Scheduler <-.->|Redis Baked| RedisStream
PG[(Postgres)] -.->|Update Log| RedisStream
RedisStream[("Redis / Redis Stream")] -.->|Subscribe Log| Instances
Instance1 -.->|Write/Delete Log| PG
Instance2 -.->|Write/Delete Log| PG
Instance3 -.->|Write/Delete Log| PG
For each instance, it is a state machine that can handle the advertisement CRUD operation and the range query operation. In the above diagram, it should use single-threaded to guarantee the read and write order. In Our Scenario, the consistency isn't the most important thing, so we can use Readers–writer lock
to handle the concurrent read, the write operation is still single-threaded.
It is hard to implement a Linearizable Log System. so I can use Redis Stream
to handle the log ordering and the log replication.
Use redis lock to prevent the concurrent write to postgres and redis stream
The state machine can be recovered from the snapshot, and the snapshot only modified if there is a new create, update, or delete operation. The snapshot can be stored in postgresql, and the recovery process can be done by the snapshot and the log to prevent the state machine need to replay all the log from the beginning. The concept is similar to the AOF
and RDB
in redis.
Since we didn't use the interval tree to handle the range query, we need to remove the outdated data from the in-memory database, so we need to use some scheduler
to remove the outdated data from the in-memory database.
I choose the asynq
to act as the scheduler
after multiple worker race for handling the delete task, the delete log would be also published to the redis stream, so the state machine can also handle the delete operation, this method also prevent the
operation from reading and serving stale data.
- each advertisement is stored in the
table, the multi-choice field is stored as string array(postgresql array type)
type Ad struct {
ID uuid.UUID `gorm:"type:uuid;primary_key" json:"id"`
Title string `gorm:"type:text" json:"title"`
Content string `gorm:"type:text" json:"content"`
StartAt CustomTime `gorm:"type:timestamp" json:"start_at" swaggertype:"string" format:"date" example:"2006-01-02 15:04:05"`
EndAt CustomTime `gorm:"type:timestamp" json:"end_at" swaggertype:"string" format:"date" example:"2006-01-02 15:04:05"`
AgeStart uint8 `gorm:"type:integer" json:"age_start"`
AgeEnd uint8 `gorm:"type:integer" json:"age_end"`
Gender pq.StringArray `gorm:"type:text[]" json:"gender"`
Country pq.StringArray `gorm:"type:text[]" json:"country"`
Platform pq.StringArray `gorm:"type:text[]" json:"platform"`
Version int `gorm:"index" json:"version"`
IsActive bool `gorm:"type:boolean; default:true" json:"-" default:"true"`
CreatedAt CustomTime `gorm:"type:timestamp" json:"created_at"`
No leader, no follower, all instance(replica) are equal
- Use
to append the log (create, update, delete)- The publisher replica did not update its in-memory database at the same time
- All instance subscribe with
to get the log - The in-memory database for each replica only update if the replica receive the log from the redis stream
the request id is for recognizing which client should return the response to.
We can use the redis sentinel
mode to handle the redis high availability
After trying so many ways, I think the most robust, simple, and efficient way is to use
as in-memory database. The performance is also good, the SQL read speed would be about 60000/s, However, the real query may be slower than ideal speed since the query is not simple as the benchmark query. But remember, our design can scale the read operation speed linearly to infinite, so the read speed in a single instance is not the most important thing.
Implement a func call GetNextIndexKey
to determine the composited index order, the index with greater selectivity should be the leftmost index.
func (a Ad) GetNextIndexKey(currentKey string) string {
switch currentKey {
case "":
return "Age"
case "Age":
return "Country"
case "Country":
return "Platform"
case "Platform":
return "Gender"
return ""
graph TD;
Root(IndexNode: Root) -->|Country| US([IndexInternalNode: Country=US])
Root -->|Country| CA([IndexInternalNode: Country=CA])
US -->|Age| US_25([IndexLeafNode: Age=25])
US -->|Age| US_30([IndexLeafNode: Age=30])
CA -->|Age| CA_25([IndexLeafNode: Age=25])
US_25 -->|Ad| Ad_US_25_1([Ad1])
US_25 -->|Ad| Ad_US_25_2([Ad2])
US_30 -->|Ad| Ad_US_30_1([Ad3])
US_30 -->|Ad| Ad_US_30_2([Ad4])
US_30 -->|Ad| Ad_US_30_3([Ad5])
CA_25 -->|Ad| Ad_CA_25([Ad6])
- AddAd
- If the key is not in the children, create a new leaf node and add the ad to the leaf node
- If the key is in the children, call the AddAd recursively
- If the key is the last key, add the ad to the leaf node
- GetAd
- If the key is not in the children, return an empty array
- If the key is in the children, call the GetAd recursively
- If the key is the last key, return the ads in the leaf node
- Concurrent Read/Write
- Use ConcurrentMap to store the children, If there is a bulk write operation, we can use multiple goroutines to write the children concurrently
- AddAd
- Add the ad to the sorted set
- GetAd
- Use the GetByRankRange to support the offset and limit query
- Concurrent Read/Write
- Use the
to protect the read and write operation
- Use the
type IndexNode interface {
AddAd(ad *model.Ad)
GetAd(req *model.GetAdRequest) ([]*model.Ad, error)
DeleteAd(ad *model.Ad)
type IndexInternalNode struct {
Key string // The key this node indexes on, e.g., "country", "age"
Children cmap.ConcurrentMap[FieldStringer, IndexNode] // The children of this node
func NewIndexInternalNode(key string) IndexNode {
return &IndexInternalNode{
Key: key,
Children: cmap.NewStringer[FieldStringer, IndexNode](),
type IndexLeafNode struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
Ads *sortedset.SortedSet // map[string]*model.Ad
func NewIndexLeafNode() IndexNode {
return &IndexLeafNode{
Ads: sortedset.New(),
- Multi-read/single-write lock (v1.0 deprecated)
- Implement the advertisement store by map with id primary key (v2.0 deprecated)
- Implement the advertisement indexing by map[string]mapset.Set[string]
- By the way, originally I was using
, and the concurrent read speed was only 4000 QPS. After changing it tomap[string]mapset.Set[string]
, the concurrent read speed increased to over 10000 QPS!!! - upd: I leverage the characteristic of
Pointer is Comparable
in Golang, then the performance become: write: 407676.68 QPS / read: 22486.06 QPS - I'm considering implementing multi-indexing to improve the read performance, not yet implemented currently
- upd: I have tried to implement the multi-indexing, the write performance is down, but the read performance is now 1166960 QPS, so I think it's worth it - commit detail
- define the multi-indexing with priority, and use reflect to generate the index function(tree structure), and use concurrent map to store the index, we would add the index concurrently, the result read performance become 800000 QPS
- By the way, originally I was using
- Implement the advertisement range query(ageStart, ageEnd, StartTime, EndTime) by interval tree (v4.0 deprecated)
- I have tried some interval tree library, but the read performance is not good, so I give up this implementation
- Currently, I just iterate all the advertisement and filter the result by the condition
if interval tree is in use, it doesn't apply on time range query since the performance issue
- github.com/rdleal/intervalst
- github.com/biogo/store/interval
- Just iterate all the advertisement and filter the result by the condition
- compound index with nested map - 1000000 QPS
- compound index generalization (provide the easy-to-use index API function and the index priority, tree structure) - 800000 QPS
provide a flexible API for the developer to define the index, but the performance reduce about 10%, move some coding complexity to time & space complexity
- The recovery process is done by the snapshot and the log to prevent the state machine need to replay all the log from the beginning
- the snapshot only modified if there is a new create, update, or delete operation
- the snapshot can be stored in postgresql
- retry if the snapshot version and the log version is not match
- if there aren't any problem, start to subscribe the log from the snapshot version and replay the log
- Use
to act as the scheduler
- after the time display in the
process in
column, the advertisement deleted operation would consider as a log which is persisted in the redis stream, so the state machine can also handle the delete operation, this method also prevent theRestore
operation from reading and serving stale data.
type GetAdRequest struct {
Age uint8 `form:"age" binding:"omitempty,gt=0"`
Country string `form:"country" binding:"omitempty,iso3166_1_alpha2"`
Gender string `form:"gender" binding:"omitempty,oneof=M F"`
Platform string `form:"platform" binding:"omitempty,oneof=android ios web"`
Offset int `form:"offset,default=0" binding:"min=0"`
Limit int `form:"limit,default=10" binding:"min=1,max=100"`
- Data Source: Extracted from the
query parameter. - Validation:
: The age field is optional. Validation rules apply only if the field is provided.gt=0
: If present, age must be greater than 0. This rule ensures that the age value, if specified, is a positive integer.
- Data Source: Extracted from the
query parameter. - Validation:
: The country field is optional. Validation rules apply only if the field is provided.iso3166_1_alpha2
: If present, the country code must conform to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard, which consists of two-letter country codes (e.g., US for the United States, CA for Canada).
- Data Source: Extracted from the
query parameter. - Validation:
: The gender field is optional. Validation rules apply only if the field is provided.oneof=M F
: If present, gender must be either "M" (Male) or "F" (Female). This restriction ensures that the gender field, if specified, adheres to the predefined options.
- Data Source: Extracted from the
query parameter. - Validation:
: The platform field is optional. Validation rules apply only if the field is provided.oneof=android ios web
: If present, platform must be one of the following values: "android", "ios", or "web". This rule ensures that the platform, if specified, matches one of the supported types.
- Data Source: Extracted from the
query parameter. - Validation:
: If the offset field is not provided, it defaults to 0. This behavior is useful for pagination, indicating the starting point of the dataset to be returned.min=0
: The offset, if specified or defaulted, must be a non-negative integer. This rule ensures that the offset value is valid for use in pagination calculations.
- Data Source: Extracted from the
query parameter. - Validation:
: If the limit field is not provided, it defaults to 10. This default value controls the maximum number of items to be returned in a single request, useful for pagination.min=1,max=100
: The limit, if specified, must be between 1 and 100, inclusive. This range ensures that a reasonable number of items are returned, preventing overly large or empty responses.
- gin test mode
to test the controllergin.CreateTestContext
to create the test context
- Data Validation
- Check Mock expectation
- Shutdown the background goroutine and dependencies correctly
- Test if the dispatcher goroutine can multiplex the request to the correct handler
- Test the data can be added, updated, and deleted correctly
- Benchmark the read and write performance
to auto generate test functions- redis mock
- sqlmock
Currently, the load test is only performed on the local machine, for a more accurate result, the load test should be performed distributedly, We can adopt the
k6 operator
to run the distributed load test in the kubernetes cluster, and the result should be analyzed by thePrometheus
- Inject random data to the database
- Run the server, the server would read the data from the database as snapshot and store it in the in-memory database
- Start the k6 load test
make install-k6
cp .env.example env.dev
make dev-up
make dev-migrate
make inject # inject the test data
make run-release # run the server
make k6 # run on another terminal