To improve SEO in LFS, I suggest : 1)Avoid having all the product twice in SE index : robots.txt
2)Canonical all variant of the multi variant product on the variant of the method "parent.get_variant_for_category". Offer to admin ability for select some categories which have all the product Canonical to the category. I used 'level' field of category which seam to be useless, but a boolean field 'canonical' would be better : product_base.html
Improve : Add a field 'creation_date' in class category idem as in product in the catalog model and return this creation_date idem in the class sitemap for category. Append to "return Product.objects.filter(active='TRUE')" "exclude(sub_type=1)" in order to concentrate sitemap to useful product. TODO have a Class with sub_type=1 and another one with : sub-type=2 and product = product.parent.get_variant_for_category, but Django can't use a method in a filter and I didn't find an elegant solution. and
Use Rich snippets, look at google doc and : product_inline.html. You can add other itemprop of and breadcrumbs.html.
Canonical pages to the category slug : in the category_view in add in the render to response (line 281) : "pagination":request.REQUEST.get("start", 0), . In category_base.html, add in the block head : {% if pagination != 0 %} {% endif %}.