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This is a website where user can Browse the most up-to-date movie/tv show information. Take a look! -> PizzaFlix


Account System

  • Login/Logout
  • Password Update
  • Account Password Encryption

Review Management

  • User can browse review from others
  • User can write/delete review for movies

Favorite Management

  • User can add/delete movie to favorites
  • User can look up its favorite movies

Search System

  • User can search movie/cast/tv show

User Interface

  • Dark/Light mode switch
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Interactive slider

How to start app locally

  1. clone/fork this repo
  2. download mongoDB
  3. create a database -> use myDB-name
  4. register The Movie Database account
  5. generate API key
  6. create .env in /server


MONGODB_URL = mongodb://<your-db-name> # replace it with your db name
PORT = 5000
TOKEN_SECRET = <your_secret_key> # random string
TMDB_API_KEY = <your-tmdb-api-key> # replace it with your API key
  1. cd /server npm install npm start
  2. create a new terminal cd /client npm install npm start


Front end

  • Create react app
  • Material UI
  • React router
  • Redux Toolkit
  • SwiperJS
  • Formik
  • Yup
  • Axios

Back end

  • Express rest api
  • Express Validator
  • Jsonwebtoken
  • Mongoose
  • Axios


Front end

graph BT
    server --> |send data|component
    redux[(redux store)] --> |change state |component(component)
    view -->|show| user(user)
    component --> |call api| server[server]
    component --> |dispatch action|redux
    component(components) --> |render|view(view)
    user[user] -->|operate|view
    view(view) --> |trigger|component(components)

Back end

graph TD
    A[Client] -->|request| C(routes)
    C --> |Requests requiring verification| D(token middleware)
    C --> |normal request| E(controller)
    D --> |success|E
    D --> |failed|H
    E --> |movie/people request|F[(TMDB Database)]
    F --> |res|E
    E --> |user/review/favorite request|G[(mongoDB)]
    G --> |res|E
    E --> |success/failed|H
    H(handler) --> |response|A

Lighthouse report

alt text alt text

web-vitals report

Metric Value Performance
LCP 2296ms Good <2500ms
FCP 1570ms Good <1800ms
TTFB 996ms Medium between 800ms and 1800ms
FID 4ms Good <100ms
CLS 0.007 Good <0.1


This project was built to understand how trananhtuat/fullstack-mern-movie-2022 implemented certain features. I studied their approach and built it independently

Development Notes

This development note is the result I recorded after solving problems during development. Development Documentation.