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🚀 Student Developer Portfolio Project

🎉 Welcome to your student/junior developer portfolio project, designed especially for showcasing your work at events, hackathons, or as an online resume! This project uses AWS CDK with TypeScript to make your portfolio easily deployable on AWS.

NOTE 10/30: The provided AWS key has been deactivated, you will have to create your own (see Optional: AWS Account Setup Instructions).

🎓 Project Description

This project is tailored to help students and junior developers create an online portfolio hosted on AWS. It's the perfect chance to showcase your skills, experience, and education. The content can be quickly updated by editing index.html and styles.css in the website directory.


🔗 Cloning the GitHub Repository

  1. Download or Clone the GitHub Repository:

    • Visit GitHub Repository to view and clone.
    • To clone using GitHub CLI:
      gh repo clone pkimani/spu-hackathon-aws
    • Alternatively, you can download a ZIP file of the repository.
  2. Customize Your Portfolio:

    • Edit index.html to include your personal details such as name, biography, education, experience, and skills.
    • Update styles.css to adjust the style and branding to your preference.

🪟 Windows Setup Instructions

Node.js Install Instructions for Windows

  1. Install Fast Node Manager (fnm):

    winget install Schniz.fnm
  2. Restart your terminal (close and reopen it).

  3. Configure the fnm environment:

    fnm env --use-on-cd | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
  4. Download and install Node.js:

    fnm use --install-if-missing 22
  5. Verify Node.js version (expected output: v22.11.0):

    node -v
  6. Verify npm version (expected output: 10.9.0):

    npm -v

AWS CLI Install Instructions for Windows

  1. Run the MSI installer to install AWS CLI:

    msiexec.exe /i
  2. Restart terminal (close and reopen it).

  3. Confirm the installation by checking the AWS CLI version:

    aws --version  # Example: aws-cli/2.17.20

🍏 MacOS Setup Instructions

Node.js Install Instructions for MacOS

  1. Install Fast Node Manager (fnm):
    curl -fsSL | bash
  2. Activate fnm:
    source ~/.bashrc
  3. Download and install Node.js:
    fnm use --install-if-missing 22
  4. Verify Node.js version (expected output: v22.11.0):
    node -v
  5. Verify npm version (expected output: 10.9.0):
    npm -v

AWS CLI Install Instructions for MacOS

  1. Download the AWS CLI package:
    curl "" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg"
  2. Install AWS CLI:
    sudo installer -pkg ./AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /
  3. Verify installation by running:
    which aws  # Expected: /usr/local/bin/aws
    aws --version  # Example: aws-cli/2.17.20

🛠 AWS CDK Setup (Platform Agnostic)

  1. Install AWS CDK globally:

    npm install -g aws-cdk
  2. Install necessary CDK libraries:

    npm install @aws-cdk/aws-s3 @aws-cdk/aws-s3-deployment @aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront @aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront-origins
  3. Verify CDK installation:

    cdk --version
  4. Apply AWS Credentials.

    • Open the access.csv
    • In console, run AWS configuration
    aws configure
    • When prompted, enter the ID token, and secret access token
    • Use "us-west-1" for region and "json" for output format (without quotes)

OPTIONAL: 🔑 AWS Account Setup Instructions

  1. Visit AWS Signup Page: AWS Signup.
  2. Enter your details:
  3. Verify and Complete:
    • Complete verification with a code sent to your email.
    • Provide payment info and verify your mobile.

Budget Setup to Avoid Billing Issues

  1. Click account name in top right of window.
  2. Navigate to Billing and Cost Management in AWS Console.
  3. Under Budgets, select Create a Budget.
  4. Choose "Zero spend budget" and enter an email for notifications.

IAM User Creation for Security

  1. Access the IAM Console and create a new user (e.g., hackathon-user).
  2. Select Programmatic access.
  3. Choose Attach existing policies directly attach AdministratorAccess policy
  4. Click Next through Tags and Review and select Create User.
  5. Click on hackathon-user or user you made in IAM Console
  6. Select Create access key and then select Command Line Interface (CLI)
  7. Select Create access key and download the .csv with Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.

AWS CLI Configuration with Credentials

  1. Run:
    aws configure
  2. Input Access Key, Secret Access Key, Region (us-west-1), and output format (json).
  3. Verify by running:
    aws sts get-caller-identity

AWS Account Initialization

  1. To setup the account (needs only to be done once for the lifetime of the account)
    aws bootstrap

🚀 Deployment Instructions (Using Provided .csv Credentials)

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for deploying your project to AWS using pre-configured .csv credentials. Make sure the access.csv file is in the root directory to enable a seamless deployment process.


  1. Change to the Project Directory:

    cd "spu-hackathon-aws"
  2. Install NPM Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Build the Project:

    npm run build
  4. Deploy to AWS:

    cdk deploy --context studentId=<YOUR-STUDENT-ID-HERE>
  5. Verify Deployment:

    • Once deployed, view your website link in the Outputs section of the terminal.

🔄 Updating and Redeploying the Site

  1. Edit Content: Update index.html and styles.css with your latest portfolio changes.

  2. Rebuild and Deploy:

    npm run build
    cdk deploy --context studentId=<YOUR-STUDENT-ID-HERE>
  3. Access the updated link under Outputs in AWS or the AWS Console.

Happy building, and best of luck with your hackathon! 🎉

🌐 Further Steps (OPTIONAL): Domain Setup in Route 53

Create a domain name and attach to your website.

  1. Register a Domain in Route 53:

    • Go to the Route 53 Console.
    • Select Domains > Register Domain.
    • Follow prompts to register a new domain.
  2. Configure a Hosted Zone:

    • In Route 53 Console, select Hosted Zones and click Create Hosted Zone.
    • Enter your domain name, and Route 53 will create a DNS zone for you.
  3. Add an S3 Website Alias:

    • Select the hosted zone you just created, click Create Record Set.
    • Set the record name (leave blank for root domain or use subdomain like student1).
    • For alias target, enter the S3 Website Endpoint (found in S3 bucket settings).
    • Click Create to save the record.
  4. Update the CDK Stack:

    • Modify the CDK stack to output the custom domain URL by setting up an alias record in Route 53 for the S3 website.