π²ππΊπΈπ²ππΊπΈπ²ππΊπΈ capital-bikeshare gem π²ππΊπΈπ²ππΊπΈπ²ππΊπΈ
Wrapper for Capital Bikeshare station data (get the data here).
gem install capital-bikeshare
client = CapitalBikeshare::Client.new
client.fetch # gets station data
Then you'll be able to use all of the methods described below.
> client.stations.class
=> Array
> client.stations.first
=> #<CapitalBikeshare::Station:0x007fd7ae8728b8 @id=1,
@name="Eads St & 15th St S",
@last_comm_with_server=#<DateTime: 2016-08-07T11:40:40+00:00 ((2457608j,42040s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
@latest_update_time=#<DateTime: 2016-08-07T09:02:21+00:00 ((2457608j,32541s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>>
Each station has an ID in the XML; each station also has a name attribute. You can use client.find
to find a particular station (under the hood, this method will delegate to find_by_name
or find_by_id
based on the argument's class).
> client.find(1)
=> #<CapitalBikeshare::Station:0x007fce32faa958 @id=1,
@name="Eads St & 15th St S",
@last_comm_with_server=#<DateTime: 2016-08-07T11:46:57+00:00 ((2457608j,42417s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
@latest_update_time=#<DateTime: 2016-08-07T09:02:21+00:00((2457608j,32541s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>>
> client.find("18th & Eads St.")
=> #<CapitalBikeshare::Station:0x007fce32fa0e80 @id=2,
@name="18th & Eads St.",
@last_comm_with_server=#<DateTime: 2016-08-07T11:46:17+00:00((2457608j,42377s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
@latest_update_time=#<DateTime: 2016-08-07T09:02:04+00:00((2457608j,32524s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
This gem makes each station's XML attributes available in Rubyrific snake_case
and coerces the values to their appropriate type. Here's the methods:
FYI, the XML for a station looks like this:
<name>Eads St & 15th St S</name>